Εκπ.Προσωπικό > Δημοσιεύσεις > Γκορτζή Ολγα |
Δημοσιεύσεις- Γκορτζή Ολγα |
1) Preparation and properties of arsonolipid containing liposomes. (2001) D. Fatouros, O. Gortzi, P. Klepetsanis , S.G. Antimisiaris , M.C.A. Stuart, A. Brisson , P.V. Ioannou. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 109, 75-89. |
21/11/2008 |
2) Capability of arsonolipids to transport divalent cations: Α Pressman cell study. (2001). O. Gortzi, P. Klepetsanis, S.G. Antimisiaris, P.V. Ioannou. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 112, 21-29. |
21/11/2008 |
3) Arsonoliposomes a Novel Class of Arsenic- Containing Liposomes: Effect of Palmitoyl- Arsonolipid Containing Liposomes on the Viability of Cancer and Normal Cells in Culture. (2002). O. Gortzi, E. Papadimitriou, C.G. Kontoyiannis, S. Antimisiaris and P. |
21/11/2008 |
4) Arsonoliposomes, a novel class of arsenic containing liposomes: Effect of arsonolipid containing liposomes on the viability of cancer and normal cells in culture. (2002). Antimisiaris S.G., Gortzi O., Klepetsanis P., Papadimitriou E., Ioannou P.V. Revi |
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5) Arsonoliposomes: Effect of arsonolipid acyl chain length and vesicle composition on their toxicity towards cancer and normal cells in culture. (2003). O. Gortzi, E. Papadimitriou, S.G. Antimisiaris and P. Ioannou. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sci |
21/11/2008 |
6) Physical stability of sonicated arsonoliposomes: Effect of calcium ions. (2005). Fatouros D.G., Piperoudi S., Gortzi O., Ioannou P.V., Frederic P, Antimisiaris SG. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 94 (1), 46-55. |
21/11/2008 |
7) Physicochemical changes of olive oil and selected vegetable oils during frying. (2006). Chatzilazarou A., Gortzi O., Lalas S., Zoidis E. and Tsaknis J. Journal of Food Lipids, 13 (1), 27-35. |
21/11/2008 |
8) Frying stability of Moringa stenopetala seed oil. (2006). Lalas S., Gortzi O. and Tsaknis. J. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 61 (2), 99-108. |
21/11/2008 |
9) Application of cloud point extraction (CPE) on the isolation of phenolic antioxidants from olive mill wastewaters (OMW) by the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114. (2006). E. Katsoyannos, A. Chatzilazarou, O. Gortzi, Ernahrung/Nutrition, 30, 197-204. |
21/11/2008 |
10) Application of cloud point extraction using surfactants in the isolation of physical antioxidants (phenols) from olive mill wastewater (2006). E. Katsoyannos, A. Chatzilazarou, O. Gortzi, S. Lalas, Sp. Konteles and P. Tataridis. Fresenious Environment |
21/11/2008 |