ΤΕΙ of Larissa > EU Programs

It was established in 1995 and is responsible fro the implementation of European educational programmes, aiming at enhancing the European dimension of the studies provided at our institution. T.E.I. of Larissa has been participating in SOCRATES, the EU-funded programme, since 1996. Upon completion of the second phase that lasted from 1 January 2000 till 31 December 2006, the institution has been awarded the Erasmus University Charter approving participation in the third phase which is now called LIFE-LONG LEARNING PROGRAMME and will last from 1 January till 31 December 2013. In May 2009 the T.E.I. of Larissa was awarded the Extended Erasmus University Charter which will enable our students to participate in Erasmus placement activities, as well.


ERASMUS, the mobility programme for Higher Education institutions, and ECTS are the two main actions T.E.I. of Larissa is implementing. ERASMUS offers students that have successfully completed their first year of studies, an opportunity to undertake part of their studies (three up to twelve months) at a partner institution in another European country. The study abroad may involve class attendance, work placement or preparation of dissertation and it is recognized by T.E.I. of Larissa on the basis of bilateral academic agreements. The EU provides eligible ERASMUS students with mobility grants through the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.) which is the national agent. Student mobility within the European Union is facilitated by the implementation of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) which regulates the procedures through which the study period abroad is fully accredited by the home institution.


Under the ERASMUS programme academic staff can participate in short or long term teaching or training mobility programmes to teach or receive training at a partner institution. Also, Intensive Programmes (IP) are developed with the participation of a number of partner institutions.

Studying abroad under Erasmus Programme can give students a chance to experience life in another culture and studying under a different Higher Education system. It can enhance their employability and add an international dimension to their CV as graduates. Participating in the programme will give students an opportunity to practice English, to improve their knowledge of another country and another language and make friends from all over Europe.

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2410-684727, 2410-611268 (fax)

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