Diploma Supplement

Εκπ.Προσωπικό > Δημοσιεύσεις > Βέντζας Δημήτριος
  Δημοσιεύσεις- Βέντζας Δημήτριος
A microcomputer-based Multichannel Polarity Cross-Correlator for Fluid Flow Measurement, IECON 86, IEEE, Milwaukee, October 1986
Έλεγχος Ρομποτικού Βραχίονα με τη χρήση LabView
  ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ: Το αντικείμενο της παρούσας εργασίας είναι ο έλεγχος των κινήσεων ενός ρομποτικού ρομποτικού βραχίονα με δυνατότητα εκμάθησης από την παράλληλη θύρα ενός υπολογιστή μέσω κώδικά LabVIEW. Ο ρομποτικός βραχίονας στον οποίο εφαρμόστηκε η μέθοδος ανήκει στην κατηγορία βραχίονα κυλινδρικού τύπου ως προς τις κίνησης του στο χώρο. Οι ενεργοποιητές (actuators) που χρησιμοποιούνται είναι πνευματικοί κύλινδροι και πιστόνια. Ο κώδικας LabVIEW λειτουργεί ως υπολογιστής ελέγχου στην επικοινωνία μεταξύ χειριστή και του ρομποτικού βραχίονα μέσω της παράλληλης θύρας και ενός κυκλώματος διασύνδεσης. (power interface). Η αρπάγη του βραχίονα αποτελείται από μία βεντούζα αναρρόφησης αέρα (rend effector). Ο βραχίονας μπορεί να μετακινεί, να τοποθετεί και να κάνει διάφορες στοιχειώσεις εργασίες στο χώρο. Εφαρμογές του βραχίονα αφορούν εργασίες περισυλλογής, μεταφοράς αντικειμένων, χειρισμών (material handing)σε εργαστηριακό και βιομηχανικό επίπεδο. Ο προγραμματισμός στον υπο εφαρμογή βραχίονα εισάγει τρία είδη λειτουργίας (modes): Χειροκίνητο χειρισμό Εκμάθηση βραχίονα Αυτόματη λειτουργία βραχίονα
  Abstract: Binarization methods are applied to document images for discriminating the text from the background based on pure thresholding and filtering combined with image processing algorithms. The proposed binarization procedure consists of five discrete steps in image processing, for different classes of document images. A refinement technique enhances further the image quality. Results on Byzantine historical manuscripts are discussed and potential applications and further research are proposed. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a simple and robust binarization procedure for pre-filtered historical manuscripts images, and simulation results are also presented.
SIMULATION and CALCULATIONS on the CARDIAC PUMP, 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics - Chania 1996
  ABSTRACT: The paper models the heart pumping mechanism as a 4-tank control problem and uses control simulation techniques within the parameters range to model and derive flow and pressure curves similar to the physiological ones.
SCADA SYSTEMS AS A TOOL TO INDUSTRIAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; APPLICATIONS IN GREEK INDUSTRY, D.E. Ventzas, K. Koriatopoulos, ISA/95 International Conference, Exhibition & Training Program, Advances in Instrumentation and Control Volume 50, Part 1
  An overview summary of industrial SCADA applications is given, in order to conclude the basic design considerations including communication protocols and Man Machine Interface; different applications of specific industrial processes are presented: aboxite electrolysis unit, a distillation column, a Cu rods production process, a food processing and a chemical industry, a refinery's truck-loading department, a public water and electric power distribution network, an electric power back-up unit, awind power generation park, a tunnel traffic control problem and a large ship's automation are some of the cases examined, in the sight of systemizing SCADA applications and designs. This is an overview summary of a recent seminar on SCADA in Greece; although the activities described do not represent an exact and overall presentation of all SCADA systems in operation, they indicate an astonishing practical development of services and technology follow-up in this area.
Active control of biomass fluidized bed combustion environments, D.E. Ventzas, P. Tsiakaras, Control applications and ergonomics in agriculture: a proceedings volume from the IFAC workshop, Athens, Greece, 14-17 June 1998
  Abstract: In the present work, a scheme for industrial active control of a biomass fluidized bed combustor - heater system is proposed, modeled and simulated. It presents the instrumentation and control of a biomass fluidized bed combustor - heater system. Different control architectures are considered, based on overall fluidization and combustion control dynamics rather than control theory alone. Classical multivariable control based on modern instrumentation is applied on the fluidized bed combustion reactor, in close conformity with fluidization and combustion dynamics, if an optimal result must be achieved.
Image Processing Techniques in Greenhouses for Agricultural Environment Management, Ventzas D, Panagiotidi Ek, Πρακτικά 5ου Εθν. Συνεδρίου Γεωργικής Μηχανικής, Λάρισα 18 Οκτωβρίου 2007, EΓME
  ABSTRACT: The paper presents the systematic steps to design an Image Processing software system for greenhouse agricultural environment management. By monitoring general and specific environment scenes we can parameterize the agricultural environment in a greenhouse. Decision making reliability is enhanced by expert system knowledge acquisition and comparison in automatic and manual video monitoring systems. The system is intended to be integrated into an automatic Unattended Autonomous Surveillance (UAS), by using an Intelligent Greenhouse Monitoring System (IGMS) based on email, SMS (short message service) and streaming video or MMS technology.
Qualitative Software Dynamics, Karapoulios, C.V. Ventzas, D.E. Xanthakis, S.N, Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce, 2005
  Abstract: In this paper we present a qualitative graph-based formalism for the analysis and the envisioning of software based system dynamics. We first present the main difficulties of dynamic software analysis. Follow some results of a qualitative abstraction tool and some application examples. We then introduce the concept of a system qualitative graph, and the role of graph homomorphisms. Software is considered as a general system endowed with a continuous phase transition map operating on an abstract data space that is a graph. Our approach formalizes the most widespread dynamic testing techniques. We finish with the presentation of the underlying mathematical qualitative framework and some basic properties of graph homomorphism invariants.
Centralized And Distributed Algorithms For The Solution Of The Discrete Time Riccati Equation, N. Assimakis, P. Giannakopoulos, D.G. Lainiotis, F. Sanida, D. Ventzas, G. Tziallas, A. Koutsonikolas, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics a
  In this paper, centralized and distributed recursive algorithms for the solution of the discrete time Riccati equation are presented. The algorithms presented here, are classified into two main categories, the algorithms based on the Kalman filter equations and the algorithms based on the Lainiotis filter equations either using per step calculations or the doubling principle. The algorithms provide fast and numerically stable solutions. The proposed distributed algorithms are computationally attractive and present high parallelism speedup.
MC68HC11 microcontroller control of a greenhouse environment as a time delay system, IFAC
  The paper presents a microcontroller design and control implementation for modern greenhouses. The nature of the greenhouse problems in conjunction with the microcontroller capabilities is given as a time delay control system and states decoupling problems are discussed. The greenhouse model controller system operation is simulated and the results are discussed. Different plants greenhouse environmental demands are taken into account by changing controller set ponts, control architechures and data base integration. Greenhouse control is considered a batch control system during start-up and run as continuous time discrete control algorithm later in the background. Greenhouse control is a typical time delay system.
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