Diploma Supplement

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  Δημοσιεύσεις- Καρέτσος Γεώργιος
4G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technologies
  Mobile and wireless communications are moving towards a new era that will be characterized by the seamless collaboration of heterogeneous systems, the need for high speed communications while on the move and for advanced services with quality guarantees. Recent market research studies show that most of the traffic in the future wireless networks will be produced by mobile multimedia services which are expected to proliferate by the year 2010. On the other hand mobile and wireless communications technology is becoming more and more important in developing countries where people demand fast deployment and low cost for broadband wireless internet services. The objective of this volume is to gather research and development on topics shaping the fourth generation (4G) in mobile and wireless communications and reveal the key trends and enabling technologies for 4G.
  http://www.amazon.com/4G-Mobile-Wireless-Communications-Technologies/dp/8792329020/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF ...
Admission control for QoS support in heterogeneous 4G wireless networks
  Admission control plays a very important role in wireless systems, as it is one of the basic mechanisms for ensuring the quality of service offered to users. Based on the available network resources, it estimates the impact of adding or dropping a new session request. In both 2G and 3G systems, admission control refers to a single network. As we are moving towards heterogeneous wireless networks referred to as systems beyond 3G or 4G, admission control will need to deal with many heterogeneous networks and admit new sessions to a network that is most appropriate to supply the requested QoS. In this article we present the fundamentals of access-network-based admission control, an overview of the existing admission control algorithms for 2G and 3G networks, and finally give the design of a new admission control algorithm suitable for future 4G networks and specifically influenced by the objectives of the European WINNER project.
  http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4519962&isnumber=4519956 ...
Towards the Wireless 2010 Vision: A Technology Roadmap
  This paper describes an envisioned technology roadmap for the development of mobile and wireless communications until the year 2010. The roadmap description is based on a 3-years study (2001–2004) and monitoring of the technological developments of characteristically chosen mobile and wireless communication areas. The final definition of the technology roadmap was based on selected areas of high value that the authors consider as the corner aspects of the evolution of mobile communications. Two main groups of areas were defined and analyzed from a technological and from a service perspective. From technological perspective the areas of high research interest include radio technologies with effect on spectrum use, access and radio interface technologies, and technologies related to mobile terminals. From service perspective, we considered interactive broadcasting, location technologies and location based services (LBS) and personalization of services. The paper identifies the open issues to be solved to realize the future of wireless communications and describes the enabling technologies for next generation communications. It identifies the technology and non-technology barriers to development, deployment, as well as guidelines for the use of technology. Finally, a visionary scenario is described to illustrate the necessary evolution of the value chain for the successful deployment of any new service or technology.
  http://www.springerlink.com/content/31mt852644645566/ ...
A Hierarchical Radio Resource Management Framework for Integrating WLANs in Cellular Networking Environments
  Over the last few years wireless local area networking (WLAN) has become a very important technology that offers high-speed communication services to mobile users in indoor environments. WLAN technology offers some very attractive characteristics such as high data rates, increased QoS capabilities and low installation costs that made many professionals claim that it will be the main opponent of IMT-2000, despite the enormous effort spent for the specification and implementation of 3G systems. However, WLAN present also many important constraints mainly related to their restricted coverage capabilities. On the other hand 3G systems are deployed gradually and carefully since their business prospects are not yet validated and is expected that 2G and 2G+ cellular systems will continue to play an important role for at least five more years. Thus our today’s wireless networking environment is in fact a conglomeration of all these technologies for which there is a strong need for cooperation. In this paper we describe a heterogeneous wireless networking environment, together with its features and user requirements. We explain the importance of the WLAN existence and we describe a framework and a system architecture that supports seamless integration of WLAN in heterogeneous cellular networking environments focusing on supporting efficient resource provision and management.
  http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=1561940&isnumber=33163 ...
Practical Radio Resource Management in Wireless Systems
  Despite frustrating customers and loss of revenue for telecommunications providers, cellular network congestion has remained a problem for which few solutions have been found. Covering GSM, GPRS, UMTS and beyond 3G systems, this practical book breaks new ground by providing you with proven techniques for decreasing blocking and dropped call rate due to network congestion. Using real measurements, this book clearly shows you that the maximum traffic that can be accommodated in a wireless network is not a constant value and varies significantly.
  http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Resource-Management-Universal-Communications/dp/1580536328/ref=sr_1_ ...
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