Institute Personnel > Publications > Deligiannis Costas
  Publications - Deligiannis Costas
Χρήση των τεχνικών πολλαπλής ωοθυλακιορρηξίας, κατάψυξης και μεταφοράς εμβρύων για τη διακίνηση γενετικού υλικού μεταξύ χωρών. Κ. Σταματά
Η κρυψορχιδία στα πρόβατα της Καραγκούνικης φυλής και οι οικονομικές της επιπτώσεις. Θ. Λαΐνας, Κ. Δεληγιάννης. Περιοδικό Ελληνικής Κτηνι
The effect of repeated follicular aspiration on the onset of puberty and growth rate of winter- or autumn-born lambs. I. Valasi, G.C. Fthenakis, N.N. Prassinos, I. Menegatos, V. Grigoropoulou, C. Deligiannis, E. Vainas, G.S. Amiridis. Small Ruminant Resea
Luteal stage dependence of pituitary response to GnRH in cyclic dairy ewes subjected to synchronization of ovulation. G.S. Amiridis, I. Valasi, I. Menegatos, C. Rekkas, P. Goulas, Th. Papanikolaou, C. Deligiannis. Reproduction, Fertility and Developmen
The effect of feeding natural zeolite on food intake and performance of growing lambs infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. K. Deligiannis, Th. Lainas, G. Arsenos, E. Papadopoulos, P. Fortomaris, D. Koufidis, C. Stamataris, and D. Zygoyiannis). Lives
(9.) Enzyme immunoassays for the determination of ovine LH and FSH. G.M. Peclaris, A. Pappa, K. Deligiannis and K. Koutsotolis. Reprod Dom Anim, 38: 367-372, 2003.
(10.) Synchronization of ovulation and fixed time intrauterine insemination in ewes. C. Deligiannis, I. Valasi, C.A. Rekkas, P. Goulas, E. Theodosiadou, T. Lainas and G.S. Amiridis. Reprod Dom Anim, 40: 6-10, 2005.
Ultasonographic appearance of clinically healthy testicles and epididymides of rams. P.G. Goulersou, G.S. Amiridis, P.J. Cripps, T. Lainas, K. Deligiannis, P. Saratsis, G.C. Fthenakis. Theriogenology, 59: 1959-1972, 2003.
(7.) The epizootiology of gastrointestinal nematode parasites in Greek dairy breeds of sheep and goats. E. Papadopoulos, G. Arsenos, S. Sotiraki, C. Deligiannis, T. Lainas, D. Zygoyiannis. Small Ruminant Research, 47: 193-202, 2003.
(6.) Effects of varying levels of dietary free gossypol in whole cotton seed on physiological responses of growing-fattening lambs. P. N. Nikokyris, K. Kandylis, Κ. Deligiannis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79: 1969-1981, 1999.
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