Institute Personnel > Publications > Rigas Georgios
  Publications - Rigas Georgios
Effect of feeding technique on the quality and persistence of milk production of Chios bred ewes
  D. Kantas, J. Ntafopoulos, G. Rigas, P. Goulas, K. Zoulfos, M.  Chatzivlasiou. Effect of feeding technique on the quality and persistence of milk production of Chios bred ewes.Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 235-242.
Quality characteristics of sheep's milk in selected regions of Thessaly
  Κ. Zoulfos, C. Makridis, D. Kantas, G. Rigas, Α. Kambamanoli, Κ. Evaggelou, C. Svarnas. Quality characteristics of sheep's milk in selected regions of Thessaly. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 465-468
The effect of in vivo administration of albendazole and levamizole on in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes

Mamali P., Samartzi F., Kantas D., Batzias C.G., Theodosiadou E., Tsakmakidis I., Rigas G., Vainas E., Goulas P. The effect of in vivo administration of albendazole and levamizole on in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes.1st Pan-Hellenic Veterinary Congress of Reproductive animals, Hygiene-Safety of Food of Animal Origin and Consumer Protection, 2008, Paper Α87, pag. 115-116.

Land-planning distribution of breeding of sheeps and goats in the province of Elassona Larissa and her prospects of growth
C. Makridis, G. Rigas, D. Kantas, B. Raptis, G. Basdras, N. Rigas. Land-planning distribution of breeding of sheeps and goats in the province of Elassona Larissa and her prospects of growth. Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Rangeland Congress, pag. 317-322, Heraclion of Crete, 1-3 November 2006.
The influence of the addition of Bacillus toyoi in performance parameters of broilers
  Kantas D., Goulas P., Tzimas P., Rigas G.,  Papatzikou C. The influence of the addition of  Bacillus toyoi  in performance parameters of broilers. 1st Panhellenic Congress n Technology of Animal Production, pag. 246-254, Arta 2005. (Citations: 3)
Veterinarian-Accredited studier of GEOTE for the completion and signing of livestock projects of the Ministry of Agriculture (Regulation 1257/1999)
P. Goulas, G. Rigas, ''Veterinarian-Accredited studier of GEOTE for the completion and signing of livestock projects of the Ministry of Agriculture (Regulation 1257/1999).'' 90 National Veterinary Congress, Thessaloniki, 21-24 November 2002
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