Institute Personnel > Publications > Deligiannis Costas
  Publications - Deligiannis Costas
Effects of Gossypol on some Biochemical Parameters in Blood and Vital Organs of Growing Lambs. P.N. Nikokyris, K. Kandylis and K. Deligiannis. Πρακτικά 3ου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου της Ένωσης Βιοχημικώ
Interactions of nutritional protein and anthelmintics on the control of nematodes in sheep. E. Papadopoulos, S. Sotiraki, C. Stamataris, C. Deligiannis, C. Himonas, D. Zygogiannis. 7th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement
Effect of production systems on carcass quality characteristics of lambs. G. Arsenos, P. Fortomaris, G. Banos, C. Deligiannis, T. Lainas, N. Katsaounis, E. Kasapidou, C. Stamataris, and D. Zygoyiannis. Proceedings of 118th Annual Meeting of the British So
Synchronization of ovulation and fixed time insemination in ewes. G.S. Amiridis, I. Valasi, C. Deligiannis, P. Goulas, E. Theodosiadou, T. Lainas. 15ο International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Porto Seguro, BA – Brazil, Abstracts Volume 2 p 340, 8
Pregnancy rates after synchronization of ovulation in ewes. I. Valasi, P. Goulas, J. Menegatos, E. Theodosiadou, C. Deligiannis, G.S. Amiridis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Abstracts Volume 39, No 4 p 288, Βαρσοβία,2004.
Maedi-Visna eradication program in a flock of purebred karagouniko sheep: results of an ongoing study. A. Koukoulis, M. Sofia, K. Deligiannis, V. Psychas, T. Lainas, V. Spyrou, P. Goulas, C. Billinis. 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, Hersonis
The breeding season and reproduction methods of Greek indigenous and imported sheep breeds. J. Menegatos, T. Lainas, C. Deligiannis, G. Amiridis, E. Xiloury. 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, Hersonissos, Grete, Greece 17-21 June 2005, p 242.
Effects of repeated follicular aspiration in prepubertal ewe-lamb on their future fertility. I. Valasi, C. Deligiannis, G.S. Amiridis. 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, Hersonissos, Grete, Greece 17-21 June 2005, p 315-316.
Effects of follicular aspiration on the number and the quality of collected oocytes from superovulated Karagounico ewes. I. Valasi, T. Papanicolaou, C. Deligiannis, E. Theodosiadou, G.S. Amiridis. 6th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, Hersonissos,
Ovum pick up (OPU) in dairy lambs does not affect onset of puberty and future fertility. I. Valasi, T. Papanikolaou, I. Dimitriadis, C. Deligiannis, G.S. Amiridis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Abstracts Volume 40(4): 388, 2005.
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