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Department of Furniture Technology (Karditsa) > Research Lab

Research Laboratory of Wood Science and Technology
Lab Web site

Description - Research Areas
 The Laboratory of Wood Science and Technology conducts research and provides services within the wood, furniture and packaging sectors from raw materials to final products. It deals with the study of wood as a raw material and its conversion into products covering the subjects: natural and macroscopic characteristics, wood and fibre identification, chemical composition, microscopy and ultrastructure of wood, production of wood in trees and variability, wood defects, density, hygroscopicity, dimensional stability, mechanical strength, heat-sound insulation, electrical properties, natural durability of wood, improvement-modification-wood preservation, quality and strength grading, recycling of wood-paper products, wood as a raw material for the paper-timber industries, composite wood products, wood as energy source .
Services to Third Parties
 1. Identification of wood and pulp fibres: domestic and European coniferous and broad-leaved species, tropical woods, ancient wood 
2.  Quality control of wood and wood products (physical, chemical, mechanical properties), and suitability for various uses
3.  Quality control and testing of wooden furniture and wooden products / constructions
4.  Identification of biological attacks on wood
5.  Wood modification and protection-preservation studies
4. Non-destructive testing and inspection of standing trees, timber, poles, and wooden constructions
6.  Timber and lumber grading in strength classes
7.  Ποιοτικός έλεγχος και ιδιότητες σύνθετων / συγκολλημένων προϊόντων ξύλου (υγροσκοπικές ιδιότητες και μηχανικές αντοχές σε φορτία) - χαρακτηρισμός της καταλληλότητας αυτών
8.  Formaldehyde emission measurement in wood based composites according to Perforator & Desiccator methods
9.  Pilot scale production of plywood and testing
10.Quality testing of High Pressure Laminates according to ΕΝ438
11.Weathering and coating performance testing
12.Pellet characterisation and testing 
13. Consulting in the recycling of wood and paper products area
 1.                   Utilisation of wood & best practices
2.                   Identification of European and tropical species
3.                   Wood quality: wood anatomical characteristics, physical-chemical-mechanical properties of wood, within and between trees variability of wood anatomy and properties, classification and strength grading
4.                   Quality control (QC) of solid wood products, furniture and wooden constructions
5.                   Wood and fibre modification
6.                   Decay resistance and wood protection/ preservation
7.                   Wood machining, drying and gluing
8.                   Properties of wood based composites and formaldehyde emissions  
9.                   Fibre furnish analysis, and paper properties
10.               Wood recycling/reuse, and paper recycling
Research Equipment and Infrastructure
 1.                   Tree-ring analysis and densitometry: LINTAΒ 5 tree-ring station, High-Frequency densitometry system LIGNOSTATION
2.                   Microscopy: NIKON Eclipse 50i light microscope with digital camera, image analysis, fluorescence & polarized light, Stereoscope NIKON SM2 800 with digital camera and photography, Sliding microtome LEICA SM 2010R, Sledge microtomes G.S.L.1, Core microtome WSL
3.                   Mechanical properties: Universal Testing machines SHIMADJU UΗ-300 kΝI (for small wood specimens and lumber) and Zwick Roell Z020, Pendulum impact tester WPM 150J
4.                    Non-destructive wood inspection and grading: GRINDOSONIC Mk5 "Industrial" instrument for dynamic testing, Portable instruments MTG and SYLVATEST TRIO for lumber grading according to EN338 (also suitable for trees, logs, poles, and wooden structures), Portable instrument IML MICRO HAMMER for inspecting trees (decay, cracks, cavities), Portable instrument for drill resistance measurements RESISTOGRAPH 4452-S (inner condition of trees and wooden structures)
5.                   Quality control (QC): Special equipment for furniture testing; Equipment for QC of wooden windows
6.                   Chemical properties: Atomic absorption spectrometer PERKIN ELMER AAnalyst 200, Soxhlet apparatus, Rotovapor BUCHI RE-11, Mill POLYMIX PX-MFC 90D, Air flow cabinet
7.                   Physical properties: Climate chamber ELVEM (0-50oC, 25-98% RH), Climate chamber BINDER KBF 115 (10-100oC, 10-90% RH), Oven with vacuum, Ovens, High temperature oven THERMOCONCEPT KLS 03/10, Balances KERN 0.1-0.001-0.0001 g, Shaking bath, Heating mandles and plates, pH-meter, Digital micrometers and calipers, Laboratory bentch, , Wood machinery facilities
8.                   Impregnation chamber, 600 lt

Research projects
 1.                   Technical coordination of the FP7 project Research for the benefit of SME associations “Fibre+ – Innovative paper packaging products for European SMEs based on functional modification of recovered fibres”, budget 1.2 M €, December 2012-November 2015.      
2.                   Coordination of the project NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) 2007–2013 Archimedes III “RF-CORRUG – Quality control of raw materials from recovered fibres for the production of corrugated board”, budget 90,000 euros, January 2013 – December 2014
3.                   Coordination of the project NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) 2007–2013 Archimedes III “TRENATOIL – Development of an innovative preservative treatment method using natural oils to improve wood properties, budget 90,000 euros, September 2012 – August 2014
4.                   Participation in the EC research project LIFE09 ENV/ES/000454 WOODRUB “Utilisation of recovered wood and rubber for alternative composite products”, total budget 1.8 M €, September 2010 – today. For more info, visit
5.                   Participation in the project NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) 2007–2013 Thales “WOOLASER – Improvement of wood treatability in refractory to impregnation conifer species by surface drilling with laser”, January 2012 – December 2014
6.                   Participation in the project funded by the Dutch company Plato International “Testing of Platowood products in a 3-year outdoor exposure in Greece using weathering and block-tests”, July 2011 – today
7.                   Participation in the project FP7 project TORCHWOOD “Development of an affordable heat treatment process for wood”, February 2010 – December 2010
8.                   Technical coordination of the FP6 Collective Research MODELPACK “Advanced quality prediction tool for knowledge-driven packaging design and manufacturing in European SMEs”, budget 2.8 M €, December 2006 – November 2009
9.                   Coordination of the project within the Program EUREKA NASA E!2319 “Database of ecological materials for the manufacturing of furniture for elderly people”, January 2009 – February 2009
10.               Participation in the project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture “Identification of wood and charcoal specimens from the ancient tomb of Mikri Doxipara, Evros Prefecture, Greece”, May 2006 – April 2007
11.               Outdoor testing of Kebony wood decks in a 3-year exposure in Greece, cooperation with the Norvegian company Kebony ASA, 2011-2014
12.               Nanotechnologies applications for wood protection, cooperation with the company NANOPHOS Α.Ε., 2010-2012
13.                Testing of the modified timber Belmadur for wooden frames and outdoor constructions, cooperation with the company METHOD Α.Ε., 2010-2012
14.                Improvement of a nanotechnology compound for wood protection, cooperation with the company NanoPhos A.E.
15.                Consulting in the construction of wooden houses, cooperation with the company Wands - Greece
16.               Study of essential oils from Pinus leucodermis wood, collaboration with School of Pharmacy and Department of Food Technology, Athens, Greece
17.               Research study - artificial aging of red wine using wood particles of various Greek forest species, collaboration with the Department of Food Technology, Karditsa, Greece
18.               Formaldehyde emission measurement of imported plywood, cooperation with the company Mesogeiaki, Greece  
19.                Natural weathering test of wood coatings for exterior wood applications, cooperation with the Italian company SAYER LACK
20.                Formaldehyde emission measurement in wood composites, cooperation with the Greek company NTL CHEMICAL CONSULTING
21.                Formaldehyde emission measurement in wood composites according to the Perforator method (EN 120), cooperation with the Greek company AGEX
22.               Preservation of wooden elements in a roundwood timber house, cooperation with a private owner
23.               State of the art in the wood company Woodman
24.               As content in impregnated wood by the company Woodman
25.               Construction of a roundwood timber house in Domnitsa, Greece
26.               Suitability of the wood of Ipe for exterior wooden decking in Katechaki area, Athens, Greece, cooperation with the company ΜΕΤΚΑ
27.                Finger joint studies in furniture production, TEI of Larissa project, Greece
28.                Identification of tropical timbers (through TEI of Larissa contacting)
Research Results/ Products
 1.  Wood quality and variability of Greek tree species 
2.  Delineation of juvenile-mature zones in Greek tree species
3.  Identification of wooden items from ancient tumulus
4.  Quality of wood impregnated with natural oils
5.  Development of a software to predict the performance of corrugated board packaging products for the European SMEs
6.  Wood modification (chemical-impregnation modification and heat- treatment) of European and tropical species: processes and wood properties
7.  Development of nanotechnology compunds in cooperation with a Greek company for wood hydrophobation and protection against fungal attack (in progress) 
8. Enhancement of the permeability of difficult to impregnate Greek wood species (in progress)
9. Development of methods for impregnating Greek wood species with natural oils for the production of value added products (in progress)
10. Weathering performance of modified wood products (Plato, The Netherlands) (in progress)
11. Development and evaluation of composites ​​from recycled wood and rubber (in progress)
12. Development of a software to predict the properties of packaging grade papers for the Greek recycled paper companies (in progress)
13. Chemical modification of recycled fibres for enhanced paper packaging for European SMEs (in progress)
14. Performance of wood decking from a Norwegian company for exterior application (in progress)
Publications (last 5 years)
Many publications in peer reviewed journals covered by ISI and conference papers (national, international)
International cooperation (until today)
- Member of the European COST Actions: E48 - The Limits of Paper Recycling (2006-2009), FP0904 - Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behaviour and Processing (2010 - ), FP1003 - Impact of Renewable Materials in Packaging for Sustainability - Development of Renewable Fibre and Bio-Based Materials for New Packaging Applications (2011 - )
- Member of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA)
- University of Goettingen, Dept. of Wood Biology and Wood protection (Germany)- Plato International BV (Holland)- University of West Hungary, Dept. of Wood Sciences at Sopron (Hungary), AIDIMA Center of Wood and Furniture Technology (Spain)- SP Sweden, Technical Centre for Wood technology (Sweden)- Kebony ASA, Norway- NanoPhos S.A. (Greece, international company)- SDU University, Dept. of Forest Products Engineering (Turkey)- Chimar Hellas S.A. (Greece, international company)

Personal URL
Sotirios Karastergiou
Assoc. Professor
Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher
Senior Researcher

Contact Info
Lab phones:
24410 64.706 (κ. Στ. Αδαμόπουλος) & 24410 79.206, εσωτ. 104 (κ. Γ. Νταλός)
Lab Emails:
[email protected] & [email protected] & [email protected]
Web Site(s):

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