Schools and Departments / Research Laboratories
Department of Medical Laboratories > Research Lab

Health Services Quality
Lab Web site

Description - Research Areas
 Quality control programs in the health sector.
Indicative areas:
1. Organizing interlaboratory proficiency schemes for external quality control of diagnostic laboratories in the health centers (public and private).
2. Organizing interlaboratory proficiency schemes for external quality control of bioanalytical laboratories of DEYA companies.
3. Quality control of general clinical processes.
4. Quality control of management processes in health care.
5. Food quality control.
Services to Third Parties
1. Organizing interlaboratory proficiency schemes for external quality control of diagnostic laboratories in the health centers (public and private).
2. Organizing interlaboratory proficiency schemes for external quality control of bioanalytical laboratories of DEYA companies.
3. Quality control of general clinical processes.
4. Quality control of management processes in health care.
5. Food quality control.
1. Quality Control in health 
2. Biochemistry
3. Clinical Chemistry
4. Water quality
5. Public health
Research Equipment and Infrastructure
 Laboratory equipped with appropriate laboratory infrastructure for studies and applications in the health sector.
Additionally, it has electronic infrastructure suitable for organization and implementation of interlaboratory proficiency schemes for medical and bioanalytical laboratories.

Research projects
 1.    Research Project co-funded by the European Social Fund - National Resources – EPEAEK II (ARCHIMEDES II). Title:  “Development of a System for Internal and External Quality Control of Drinking Water
2.    Public Health Research Projects co-funded by the European Social Fund - National Resources.
b) Title: “Training of Employees in Public Services and Health Authorities in Special Topics of Public Health”.
3.   Development and implementation of a Standard Program for Quality Assurance – External Quality Assessment  of the Diagnostic Laboratories of Health Centers in the 8 Convergence Regions.
4.  Development and implementation of a Standard Program for Quality Assurance – External Quality Assessment  of the Diagnostic Laboratories of Health Centers in the 3 Gradual Exit Regions.
5.   Development and implementation of a Standard Program for Quality Assurance – External Quality Assessment  of the Diagnostic Laboratories of Health Centers in the 2 Gradual Entry Regions.
6.  CARE-WASTE “Competence based e-learning in general & health care waste management for new skills development - CARE-WASTE”, Leonardo da Vinci, “Transfer of Innovation”, 1/10/2011-30/09/2013.
Research Results/ Products
1. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Schemes for diagnostic laboratories of health centers.
2. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Schemes for diagnostic laboratories of hospitals.
3. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Schemes for private diagnostic laboratories.
4. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Schemes for bioanalytical laboratories of DEYA companies.
5. Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Schemes for food bioanalytical laboratories.
Research Results:
- Agelos Papaioannou, Nikolaos Rigas, George Rigas, Athanasios G. Paliatsos, Panagiotis T. Nastos, Panagiotis Plageras, Zoe Roupa, Konstantinos, V. Kakavas and Eleni Dovriki. “Multivariate Statistical Interpretation of Soil Quality Data in the Context of Public Health”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2009, 18, 204-212.
- Panagiotis Papastergiou, Varvara Mouchtouri, Maria Karanika, Elina Kostara, Foteini Kolokythopoulou, Nikos Mpitsolas, Agelos Papaioannou and Christos Hadjichristodoulou. “Analysis of seawater microbiological quality data in Greece from 1997 to 2006: association of risk factors with bacterial indicators”. Journal of Water and Health 2009, 7, 514-526.
- A.B. Papaioannou, L.G. Viras, P.T. Nastos, A.G. Paliatsos. “Temporal evolution of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the city of Volos, Greece”.  Environ Monit Assess 2010 (DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-0762-7).
- Agelos Papaioannou,Athina Mavridou, Christos Hadjichristodoulou,Panagiotis Papastergiou, Olga Pappa, Eleni Dovriki, Ioannis Rigas. “Application of multivariate statistical methods for groundwater physicochemical and biological quality assessment in the context of public health”. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 2010 (DOI 10.1007s10661-009-1217-x).
- Agelos Papaioannou,Eleni Dovriki,Nikolaos Rigas, Panagiotis Plageras, Ioannis Rigas, Maria kokkora, Panagiotis Papastergiou. «Assessment and Modelling of Groundwater Quality Data by Environmetric Methods in the Context of Public Health». Water Resources Management, 2010 (DOI 10.1007/s11269-010-9605-0).
Tel. (+30)
Personal URL, if any
Agelos Papaioannou
Name (use latin letters)
Tel. (+30)
Personal URL, if any
Professor   [email protected] 2410684267
Stavros Lalas
2441041082 – εσωτ. 103
Olga Gortzi
2441041082 – εσωτ. 109
Full Professor
Evaggelia Kotrotsiou
Full Professor
George Rigas
Senior Researcher
Helen Dovrikh
External Partner Christos Megas [email protected] 2410684378  
Senior Researcher Alex Vontas [email protected] 2410684649  
Researcher Marina Lampronikou l[email protected]  2410684250  

Contact Info
Lab phones:
2410 684650
Lab Emails:
elqa at
Web Site(s):

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