Schools and Departments / Research Laboratories
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications > Research Lab

Software and Knowledge Engineering Lab
Lab Web site

Description - Research Areas
 The Laboratory of Software and Knowledge Engineering deals with research and development projects relating to:
1.   The design and development of innovative software and the modernization and quality improvement of systems.
2.   Data and knowledge mining from the Web and creation of recommender systems
3.   The transfer of services in the cloud.
4.   The development of intelligent web applications, learning objects and digital modeling.
5.   The development of eGovernment services
The laboratory provides services to private companies and public agencies and participates in formulating funding proposals to Greek and European funding organizations of research and development products and services.
Services to Third Parties
 Design and implementation of innovative services and products related to the research areas of the lab:
1.         Design and implementation of innovative software for a wide range of computing devices (i.e. desktop PCs, tablets, smartphones).
2.         Automatic web content extraction and repurpose of extracted data (dataset build, Web 2.0 apps, etc.)
3.         Summarization of on-line reviews.
4.         Data Mining, Web Mining.
5.         Recommender Systems.
6.         Modernization and quality improvement of legacy systems.
7.         Interoperability of Software Systems.
8.         Transfer of services in the Cloud.
9.         Development of Intelligent Web Applications
10.     Learning Objects Development
11.     Digital Modeling
12.     eAdministration services.
1.                   Software Engineering
2.                   Logic and Artificial Intelligence
3.                   Data and Web Mining
4.                   Distributed and Parallel Systems
5.                   Programming for Mobile Devices
6.                   Web Technologies
Research Equipment and Infrastructure
 Computer Labs of the Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering / TEI of Thessaly

Research projects
 1.       Towards an Integration of Process Algebraic and Petri Net Specifications of Agent Systems (PYTHAGORAS ΙΙ), (Hartonas)
2.       PerLA: Intelligent Personal Learning Assistants (ARCHIMEDES ΙΙ), (Hartonas, Tsiakmaki, Tsoutsa)
3.       ProsAgent: Integration of the Holonic and Multi-agent System approaches to intelligent industrial process control (ARCHIMEDES Ι), (Hartonas, Tsoutsa, Tsiakmaki)
4.       Formal Methods in the analysis of Intelligent Systems (Επιτροπή Ερευνών ΤΕΙ/Θ), (Hartonas)
5.       Denotational Semantics for Higher-Order Functional–Concurrent Languages, (EPSRC Project, University of Sussex, School of Cognitive & Computing Sciences (COGS), Theory of Computation Group), (Hartonas)
6.       Fairness in Concurrent Computation–Fixpoint Logics (University of Manchester, Computer Science Dept, Theory and Formal Methods group), (Hartonas)
7.       Reasoning About Fairness in Concurrent Computation (EPSRC Project, Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Leicester), (Hartonas)
8.       MyVisitPlanner: Personalized System for Cultural Itineraries Planning (NSRF 2007-13)  (Kokkoras)
9.       Developing a Digitization and Documentation Center to Digitize, Promote and Manage Cultural Documentation from the National Theater of Northern Greece (Kokkoras)
10.   ExperNet: Development of a Distributed Expert System for a National Network Management - ICT (Kokkoras)
11.   A Planning System for eLearning in the Semantic Web  (Kokkoras)
12.   An Intelligent System for Managing Internet Services in the Semantic Web (Kokkoras)
13.   Open-Source Software Reuse Service for SMEs (Open SME -  (Kakarontzas)
14.   Software Quality Observatory for Open Source Software (SQO-OSS)  (Kakarontzas)
15.   Metrics and Performance Measurement of Free, Open Source Software (FLOSSMETRICS) -  (Kakarontzas)
16.   A system for evaluation of candidate adjunct lecturers in TEI of Larisa (Kakarontzas)
17.   Designing of process-oriented  learning in Open Educational Environments (Kakarontzas)
18.   Advanced eLearning Services in TEI of Larisa (Kakarontzas)
19.   Learning Objects in the CROP Architecture (doctoral research – Tsiakmaki)
20.   Automatic Composition of Web Services (doctoral research – Tsoutsa)
Decision algorithms for extensions and variants of Propositional Dynamic Logic (doctoral research – Kritsimallis)
Research Results/ Products
1.         DEiXTo: Web Content Extraction System (
2.         COPE – Component Adaptation Environment
3.         On-line Evaluation System for Candidate Adjunct Instructors, for TEI of Thessaly
4.         Editor for Learning Objects of CROP Architecture
5.         MOpiS: Multiple Opinion Summarizer ( )
Name (use latin letters)
Personal URL
Full Professor
Hartonas Chrysafis
2410 684575
Kakarontzas George
2410 686459
Kokkoras Fotis
2410 684541
Vivi Tsoutsa
Software Engineer
Maria Tsiakmaki
Software Engineer
Agis Kritsimallis
Software Engineer
Κώστας Ντονάς

Contact Info
Lab phones:
2410 684522, 2410 684541
Lab Emails:
[email protected]
Web Site(s):

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