Schools and Departments / Research Laboratories
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications > Research Lab

Computer Engineering and Control Systems
Lab Web site

Description - Research Areas
 The lab aims:
a) to cover the undergraduate/post graduate and research requirements of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly concerning subjects like Computer and Embedded System Architecture, Automatic Control Systems, DSP and Computer Hardware
b) to offer services to private and public organizations and companies favoring the industry of Thessaly and Greece.
c) to participate in research projects
d) to disseminate the results of its research through seminars, conferences, workshops, by publishing articles in high reputation international scientific journals and books
e) to the cooperation between academic and research institutes as well as companies and oganizations
Services to Third Parties
1.                   Design and Development of Computer Systems
2.                   Design and Development of Computer Systems based on Parallel Architectures
3.                   Design and Development of Embedded Systems
4.                   Large scale Clusters and Systems
5.                   Self Funded seminars on DSP, Automatic Control, Computer Architecture, Computer Hardware, etc
6.                   Case Studies for Automatic Control
7.                   Case Studies for Difficult Measurements
8.                   Case Studies for DSP and Image Processing
9.                   Case Studies for Biomedical Problems
10.               Case Studies for Robotic Applications
11.               Robotic System Grabbers
12.               Microcontrollers for automation application and individual products
13.               IC design in the form of ASIC and Reconfigurable hardware
14.               Firmware and Software development for the above systems
 1.       Large Scale Control
2.       Artificial Kidney Emulation
3.       3D CAD of cone shapes for the constructive industry
4.       Industrial Parameter Calibration
5.       Biomedical Parameter Calibration
6.       Measurement Instrument Maintenance
7.       Automatic Control System Maintenance
8.       Distributed Measurements
9.       Distributed Automatic Control
10.   Improvement of Byzantine Manuscripts
11.   Embedded System Design methodologies
12.   Embedded Systems for Telecommunications
13.   Embedded Systems for Automations
14.   Target Localization
15.   ADC architectures
16.   SNR improvement circuits/systems
17.   Sparse information undersampling
Research Equipment and Infrastructure
1.                   Automatic Control Processes 4 Χ 4
2.                   Robotic Arm
3.                   Robotic Kits
4.                   DSP System (National Inc)
5.                   MatLab SW for DSP and Automatic Control
6.                   SW for DSP and Automatic Control
7.                   Freeware tools
8.                    Siemens PLCs
9.                   Freescale Tower Systems (20 items) based on 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 and expansion cards for serial communication, lcd graphic display etc
10.               Ten uP-3 development boards based on 8051 microcontrollers
11.               Ten FPT-3 development boards based on Altera MAX7000S CPLDs
12.               Portable Oscilloscope/Spectrum Analyzer for low frequency signals
13.               Logic Analyzer
14.               High Frequency Spectrum Analyzer
15.               Waveform generator
16.               breadboards
17.               Individual microcontroller boards (Arduino, Microchip PIC etc)

Research projects
1.                   Thales / Intelligent Light Measurement
2.                   Archimedes III / Smart Traffic Monitoring at Crossroads by Image and Video Processing
3.                   Corallia / LabOnChip
Research Results/ Products
 1.       Large Scale Control
2.       Artificial Kidney Emulation
3.       3D CAD of cone shapes for the constructive industry
4.       Industrial Parameter Calibration
5.       Biomedical Parameter Calibration
6.       Measurement Instrument Maintenance
7.       Automatic Control System Maintenance
8.       Distributed Measurements
9.       Distributed Automatic Control
10.   Improvement of Byzantine Manuscripts
11.   Mixed signal read out circuit for capacitive (bio)sensor reading and the corresponding board
12.   Low Area/Power ADCs
13.   SNR improvement circuits/systems
14.   Sparse information undersampling
15.   622Mbps ATM NIC card
16.   Indoor target localization system
Name (use latin letters)
Personal URL, if any
Associate Professor
Dr G. Adam
Dr D. Ventzas
Assistant Professor
Dr N. Petrellis
Assistant Professor
Dr. Loutridis Sp.
Assistant Professor
G. Soultis
Senior Researcher
Dr A. Mairgiotis
Senior International Consultant
Dr G. Evangelidis
INRIA, France
Senior Researcher
Dr N. Asimakis, assoc. prof.
Senior Researcher
Dr I. Kandrakis, professor
Senior Researcher
Dr. A. Pakakostas
Senior Researcher
Dr. F. Sofos
Ανώτερος Ερευνητής
Δρ. Κατσίμπας Θεόδωρος
Ανώτερος Ερευνητής
Δρ. Κρουπής Νικόλαος
Ανώτερος Ερευνητής
Δρ. Γκιουλέκας Φώτιος
 N. Sdrolias
T. Stylianos

Contact Info
Lab phones:
Lab Emails:
[email protected] , [email protected]
Web Site(s):

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