Department of Furniture Technology (Karditsa) > Research Lab
Applied Marketing Management & Economy (Lab. AMAME) |
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Description - Research Areas |
| The laboratory of Applied Marketing, Management and Economy is an educational and research unit at TEI of Larissa. Its activities are developed in the following streams:
a) Research on financial analyses and firm or project selection, Marketing and Management consulting services to manufacturing companies (mainly Medium and Low Tech according to OECD definition) especially in cases of severe economic crisis.
b) Education and training of management teams, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders on several subjects such as high responsibility, decision-making, firm-level capabilities, judgment, and efficiency achievement techniques in entrepreneurial, marketing and production managerial issues such as marketing, communication, planning, strategies, production management, feasibility and product NPD and costing, computerization, innovation management, technology and market sensing, safety etc
c) Problem solving and cooperation enabling and development among enterprises, institutions and academia in Greece and abroad
Services to Third Parties |
| 1. Market research in Greece, Europe and Globally
2. Marketing και Business Plans studies
3. Consumer Behaviour Research
4. Strategies on customer sharing and the maintenance of status quo
5. SWOT analyses
6. Cost –benefit studies
7. Feasibility studies
8. Firm-level and industrial –level financial analyses
9. Cost analysis for products and services
10. Consultation on New firm creation, existing units’ extension and spin-offs
11. Production management and operational systems streamlining
12. Studies for implementation of new technologies; studies on new processes and NPD; studies on eligibility to aid
13. Telematic systems for production units
14. Studies and consulting for implementation of management systems such as ISO standards, TPM (maintenance), JIT, MRP, ERP etc
15. Gatekeeping, innovation and technology management
16. Case study analyses on the above issues
17. Introduction and application of suitable software packages
18. Simulations
19. Business consulting on the above issues
20. Studies and facilitating support to finance for businesses (including start-ups and spin-offs)
21. Studies and facilitating support on exports activities
22. Inter -, intra-organizational and sectoral training on relevant issues (as named above) (including the particular current state of socio-economic crisis)
Activities |
1. Market research in Greece, Europe and Globally
2. Marketing και Business Plans studies
3. Consumer Behaviour Research
4. Strategies on customer sharing and the maintenance of status quo
5. SWOT analyses
6. Cost –benefit studies
7. Feasibility studies
8. Firm-level and industrial –level financial analyses
9. Cost analysis for products and services
10. Consultation on New firm creation, existing units’ extension and spin-offs
11. Production management and operational systems streamlining
12. Studies for implementation of new technologies; studies on new processes and NPD; studies on eligibility to aid
13. Telematic systems for production units
14. Studies and consulting for implementation of management systems such as ISO standards, TPM (maintenance), JIT, MRP, ERP etc
15. Gatekeeping, innovation and technology management
16. Basic and applied research (field analyses, case study analyses etc) around the above issues
17. Simulations
18. Business consulting on the above issues
19. Studies and facilitating support to finance for businesses (including start-ups and spin-offs)
20. Studies and facilitating support on exports activities
21. Inter -, intra-organizational and sectoral training on relevant issues (as named above) (including the particular current state of socio-economiccrisis) |
Research Equipment and Infrastructure |
| 1. A 85 m2 classroom capable to host 65 people
2. A room equipped with modern teleconference equipment
3. Fifteen computers with relevant programmes for market research
4. Plotter A0 (1),color printers (Α3 and Α4),
5. Interactive whiteboard
6. TV 42’
7. DVD Blue Ray
8. A complete library on contemporary market research
9. Archives of the Greek ICAP financial directory for the period 2008-2012.
10. Access to a other data bases covering firms of all sectors of Greek Economy (besides findbiz of ICAP).
Research projects |
| 1. “GSF (Green Smart Furniture) – An integrated development of design, production technology, feasibility study and marketing”
2. “Structural adjustment of firms within the recession – Furniture design and production methods, new technologies and materials. Furniture and Woodworking Association of Karditsa”.
3. «Innovation Marketing Plan for the elaboration and promotion of new furniture materials” Innovation Voucher – Theocharis Bros Ltd
4. “Consumer market research of woodworking and furniture in Cyprus”
5. «FORECO in the framework of COOPERATION ΙΙ», total budget 2.300.000 €
6. «Wooden House Construction using forest residues» Research Committee of TEI of Thessaly and ΕΚΕΤΑ, total budget 2.200.000 €
7. «e-Furniture – support of the “Smart” Network of Woodworking, Furniture manufacturing and Sales companies” 660.000 €.
8. «Business plan for the creation of sustainable building cluster”
9. «Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit»
10. “MODIP TEI LARISSAS” ACTION PE4: «Development of Quality Assurance processes” Action PΕ5: «Function of MODIP” Action pΕ6: «Assessment of the MODIP project»
11. «Academia support to new farmers of the General Secretariat for Youth to Ν.Π.Δ.Δ. of Higher Education (Universities and Τ.Ε.Ι.)»
12. «Development of professional profiles; especially for the profession of “Woodworker”
13. VOClessWOOD - 4th Joint CORNET Call Application of advanced wood coating materials and techniques to meet the requirements of the EU VOC-directive.
14. «Market research on W.P.C. and water solvent varnishes and study on their promotion in the Greek and Cypriot market”
15. «Encouragement of innovative applications and learning subjects for students of TEI of Larissa and Lamia - Please Enter»
16. Training courses for Albanian entrepreneurs of the furniture sector «Wooden Furniture – New Technologies on Design and Production – Business Contacts with Greek Entrepreneurs» on Marketing issues
17. Training coursed for Egyptian entrepreneurs of the furniture sector: «Wood – Wooden Furniture – New Technologies in Design and Production – Business Contacts with Greek Entrepreneursand sub-project «Developing a Marketing Plan for an Egyptian Furniture Manufacturing Enterprise»
18. «Production and disposal potential of bio-fuels from agricultural – forest products – a pilot application”
19. «A study on innovative fittings type Finger – Joint in wooden manufactures – environmental applications in the Greek Furniture Manufacturing” and the work –package “Feasibility and environmental study” within the framework of ARCHIMIDES II.
20. «Feasibility study and supporting during establishment of the Cypriot commercial furniture enterprise AL PL HOME DESIGN Ltd”
21. «Innovation Pole of Thessaly Region regarding furniture”
Research Results/ Products
| 1. Papadopoulos, I., M. Trigkas, Karagouni, G. and A. Papadopoulou, 2013. The contagious effects of the economic crisis regarding wood and furniture sectors in Greece and Cyprus. Word Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, (in press) http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=wremsd
2. Papadopoulos, I., G. Karagkouni, M. Trigkas, and Z. Beltsiou, 2013. Green Wooden Furniture. Determination of market trends and tendencies in Greece and Cyprus during economic crisis. 6th Annual Internation6al EuroMed Conference, “Confronting Contemporary Business Challenges through Management Innovation”, Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 23rd-24th, September 2013 (accepted)
5. Papadopoulos, I., M. Trigkas, and A. Papadopoulou, 2012. Cross Country Contagion of Economic Crisis at Firm Level. Evidence from Cypriote and Greek Furniture and Wood Enterprises. 5th Annual International EuroMed Conference, Building New Business Models For Success Through Competitiveness and Responsibility, ISBN: 978-9963-711-07-9, Montreaux, Switzerland, Oral presentation, October 4-6, 2012, pp 1253-1270. http://www.teilar.gr/dbData/Dimosieyseis/Papadopoulos_et_al_EuroMed_2012_Conference%20Proceedings.pdf
6. Papadopoulos, I., M. Trigkas, and A. Papadopoulou, 2012. The entrepreneurial marketing strategy of sustainable building in Greece. Book Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), June 13-15, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, Oral presentation, pp. 535-541. http://www.teilar.gr/dbData/Dimosieyseis/ICCMI%202012%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS_Papadopoulos_et_al.pdf
7. Trigkas, M., Papadopoulos, I., and Karagouni, G., 2012. Implementation Characteristics of Green Entrepreneurship in Greek Furniture Sector. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sept. 20-21, Santarem Portugal, Book version ISBN: 978-1-908272-68-3, Vol2, pp 680-688.
8. Papadopoulos, I., M. Trigkas, G. Ntalos, and E. Premeniotou, 2011. Green Economy. The case of Sustainable Building Cluster in Greece. Book Proceedings of the 4th Annual International EuroMed Conference, Business Research Challenges in a Turbulent Era, ISBN: 978-9963-711-01-7, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Oral presentation, October 20-21, 2011, pp. 1420-1442. http://www.teilar.gr/dbData/Dimosieyseis/EuroMed2011%20-%20Papadopoulos_et_al.pdf
10. 6. 7. Trigkas, M. Papadopoulos, J., Tassiopoulou K., Porikos N., 2011. Green entrepreneurship in Greek furniture enterprises. Proceedings Management of International Business and Economics Systems 2011 (MIBES) International Conference, Serres Greece, 17-19 Sept. Oral paper, pp. 232-249. http://mibes.teilar.gr/proceedings/2011/oral/18.pdf
15. Papadopoulos, I., Trigkas, M. and Karagouni, G., 2010. The Effects of Economic Crisis on Greek Wood and Furniture Sector and Ways to Confront it. Book Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International EuroMed Conference of Business Developments Across Countries And Cultures, ISBN: 978-9963-634-83-5, Nicosia Cyprus, Oral presentation, November 4-5, 2010, pp. 745-767. Η εργασία αυτή ζητήθηκε να δημοσιευτεί στο Journal of Business and Economics. http://www.teilar.gr/dbData/Dimosieyseis/The_Effects_of_Economic_Crisis_on_Greek_Wood_Furniture_Sector.pdf
16. Karagouni, G., J. Papadopoulos, G., Valergas, I., Sevopoulou, 2009. Value-Chain Clustering as an Alternative Strategy for Small-Scale and Micro Firms. Management of International Business and Economic Systems (MIBES) Transactions International Journal, Vol 3, Issue 1, pp 46-63. http://www.bs.teilar.gr/mtol/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=36
17. Karagouni, G., I. Papadopoulos and M. Trigkas, 2009. Competitive Sources & Performance of Cypriot Furniture Manufacturers. Book Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International EuroMed Conference of Managerial and Entrepreneurial Developments in the Mediterranean Area ISBN: 978-9963-634-76-7, Salerno Italy, Oral presentation, October 26-28, 2009 pp. 899-918.
18. Trigkas, M., A., Sideras, G., Ntalos and I., Papadopoulos, 2009. Possibilities of Production and Use of Wood Pellets in Greece from an Economic and Market Aspect. Proceedings of the 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009, ISBN 978-960-6865-09-01 Oral presentation, pp 1973-1978. >>>
19. Papadopoulos, I., Scarvelis, M. and Ntalos, G., 2009. Economic and Technical Aspects on Quality Control for Wood Products: The Case of Furniture Enterprises in Thessaly (Greece). Cost Action E53, Proceedings Conference 22nd – 23rd October 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 247-254. >>>
20. Karagouni, G., J. Papadopoulos, and M. Trigkas, 2009. The innovativeness of Thessalian wood and furniture SMEs and the business environment. Proceedings Management of International Business and Economics Systems 2009 (MIBES) International Conference, http://mibes.teilar.gr. /Florina Greece, 18-20 Sept. Oral paper, pp. 136-152. http://mibes.teilar.gr/proceedings/2009/ORAL/Karagouni-Papadopoulos-Trigkas.pdf
22. Papadopoulos, J., Gl. Karagouni, 2008. A Consumer Market Research On Cypriot Furniture and Woodworking Manufacture. 1st Annual International EuroMed Conference Proceedings, Euromed Academy of Business, Marseille, France, November 17-18, 2008, pp. 736-738.
23. 18. Karagouni Gl, Papadopoulos, J., Kyprianou Ch., Vasiliou, Gl., 2008. A Survey of Manufacturing Strategies and Operations in Cypriot Small and Micro Furniture Firms. 1st Annual International EuroMed Conference Proceedings, Euromed Academy of Business, Marseille, France, November 17-18, 2008, pp. 708-710.
24. Papadopoulos, J., G., Karagouni, G., Valergas, I., Sevopoulou, 2008. Clustering as a Means for Gaining Competitive Advantage in Small and Micro Furniture Firms’ Marketing Opportunities. Proceedings Management of International Business and Economics Systems (MIBES) 2008 International Conference, http://mibes.teilar.gr. /Larissa Greece, 4-5 July, Oral paper, ISBN 978-960-98411-1-5, pp 285-299. http://mibes.teilar.gr/proceedings/2008/oral/Papadopoulos-Karagouni-Valergas-Sevopoulou.pdf
25. Karagouni, G., J. Papadopoulos, G., Valergas, I., Sevopoulou, 2008. Value-Chain Clustering as an Alternative Strategy for Small-Scale and Micro Firms. Proceedings Management of International Business and Economics Systems 2008 (MIBES) International Conference, http://mibes.teilar.gr. /Larissa Greece, 4-5 July, Oral paper, ISBN 978-960-98411-1-5, pp 209-227. http://mibes.teilar.gr/proceedings/2008/oral/Karagouni-Papadopoulos-Valergas-Sevopoulou.pdf
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697 4287874
Contact Info
Lab phones:
+30 24410 79206 (Εσ. 111) Lab Emails:
[email protected] Web Site(s):