Institute Personnel > Research > Kantas Dimitrios
  Research - Kantas Dimitrios
Influence of thyroid gland hormones in reproductive expression of indigenous breeds of sheep

·         Head Investigator of the research project "Influence of thyroid gland hormones in reproductive expression of indigenous breeds of sheep" funded under the program "Archimedes II - SUPPORT RESEARCH GROUPS IN TEI"


The influence of chemical pollutants and anthelmintic medicines in the reproductive system of livestock animals

Member of the main research team of the research project "The influence of chemical pollutants and anthelmintic medicines in the reproductive system of livestock animals” with head investigator Dr. Panagiotis Goulas, funded under the program "Archimedes I - SUPPORT RESEARCH GROUPS IN TEI.

The effect of pheromones on behavior and productive performance of pigs

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the ERC of TEI of Larissa and CEVA HELLAS LTD entitled  "The effect of pheromones on behavior and productive performance of pigs”

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