Institute Personnel > Research > Kantas Dimitrios
  Research - Kantas Dimitrios
Safety and efficacy of Improvac in male pigs

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and  PFIZER LTD entitled  Safety and efficacy of Improvac in male pigs”

The effect of Sangrovit, a natural feed additive on the performance and health status of growing and finishing pigs

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and  PHYTOBIOTICS FUTTERZUSATZSOFFE GMBH entitled  “The effect of Sangrovit, a natural feed additive on the performance and health status of growing and finishing pigs”

The effect of Sangrovit, a natural feed additive on the performance and health status of weaned piglets

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and  PHYTOBIOTICS FUTTERZUSATZSOFFE GMBH entitled  “The effect of Sangrovit, a natural feed additive on the performance and health status of weaned piglets”

The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of turkeys

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and RUBINUM VET S.A. entitled  "The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of turkeys"

Study of residues in edible pig tissues after the administration of water-soluble formulation of oxytetracycline and after the administration of a lincomycin-spectinomycin premix

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and  VETERIN S.A. entitled  Study of residues in edible pig tissues after the administration of water-soluble formulation of oxytetracycline and after the administration of a lincomycin-spectinomycin premix”.

The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of broilers under semi intensive farming conditions

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and ASAHI VET S.A. entitled  "The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of broilers under semi intensive farming conditions"

Assessment of production of indigenous breeds, biomedical product innovation and maintenanceof biodiversity in the border areas of Greece and Italy

Member of the research team of the program "Assessment of production of indigenous breeds, biomedical product innovation and maintenanceof biodiversity in the border areas of Greece and Italy" under the INTERREG III GREECE-ITALY program, with head investigator Dr. Athena Tzora. Participation in Objective 2.3 ¨ entitled: “Evaluation of the quality and nutritional characteristics of lamb and kid meat (Composition of diets and feed analysis).

The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of broilers under commercial farming conditions

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and ASAHI VET S.A. entitled  "The effect on production performance of the addition of the probiotic Toyocerin in the feed of broilers under commercial farming conditions"

Effect of feed acids on productive performance of pigs

Head Coordinator of the cooperation program between the the ERC of  TEI of Larissa and VETHELLAS S.A. entitled  " Effect of feed acids on productive performance of pigs”

Assessment of input - output of heavy metals in animal husbandry and their variation in animal origin products intended for human consumption

·         Member of the main research team of the research project "Assessment of input - output of heavy metals in animal husbandry and their variation in animal origin products intended for human consumption”, with head investigator Dr. Chris Makridis, funded under the program "Archimedes II - SUPPORT RESEARCH GROUPS IN TEI"

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