Personnel > CV
Papaioannou Chryssoula
Dept / Service:
Department of Agricultural Engineering Technologists
2410 684524
[email protected]
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Working Object:

Agricultural buildings


Short CV:

Dr Chryssoula Papaioannou,
Associate Professor,
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Technological Educational Institute
of Thessaly, Greece. 

I am a graduate (1982) of the Department of Agricultural Machinery and Irrigations (now it is Biosystems Engineering Department). I continued my studies in the National Technical University of Athens (Mechanical Engineer, 1986) and in the University of Thessaly (Doctor of Agronomic Sciences, Department of Agronomics, Plant Production and Rural Environment, 2007). I am also a graduate of School of Teaching in Technical Education (Σ.Ε.Λ.Ε.Τ.Ε. 1991). 
I worked as a Mechanical Engineer (Private Sector) in design and supervision of electromechanical installations.
From my inquiring activity so much in the Laboratories of Storage and Handling of Agricultural products and in Strength of Materials (Department of Biosystems Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly) as much as in the Laboratory of Agricultural constructions and Control of Environment (University of Thessaly), in the frame of National or European Projects, original inquiring work resulted. This research was published in International Journals or it was announced at International and National Symposiums.

Other Information:
Hellenic Union of Agricultural Engineers (HelAgEng).
European Union of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng).
Greek Technical Chamber (TEE, # 52102).
International Society of Horticultural Sciences (ISHS)
Member of the Organising Committee of the International Symposium on «Advanced technologies and management towards sustainable greenhouse ecosystems-GreenSys2011» which will be held in the Halkidiki peninsula, Greece, from 5 to 10 June 2011
 Member of the steering committee of the LIFE09 ENV/GR/000296 Adapt2Change by title "Adapt agricultural production to climate change and limited water supply", 2009-2013.

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