Personnel > CV
Spiliotis Xenofon
Dept / Service:
Department of Infrustructure Engineering
[email protected]
Personal Web Site:
Working Object:
Department of Infrastructure Engineering
“Physical processes”, “Chemical Technology”,  “ Building materials technology”, "Natural resources", "raw materials", "circular economy", "industrial symbiosis"
Short CV:

Xenofon Spiliotis, Professor
Chemical Technology & Building materials

Department of Civil Engineering 
Technological & Educational Institute of Thessaly
41110 Larissa, Greece Tel:+30 2410 684330
Fax: +30 2410684333          Email:
[email protected]


  • Diploma in Chemical Engineering (1979), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  • M.Sc. (1981) in Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Ph.D. (1983) in Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester, UK.



 He was employed as Technical Advisor from the propane gas company “Hasiotis-Mandalis Co” (1989). He has been member of Board in “EBETAM S.A.”, sited in Volos, Greece (1993-1997). He has been Vice President of the Board of the “Natural gas Company of Thessaly” (1995-1997) and member of Board of the “Municipal Company of Natural gas of the City of Larissa” (1999). Head of the Technological Research Center of Thessaly (appointed from Jan’ 2016). His current position is at the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly (Professor).


 1.   From 12-8-93 Professor in the Department of Exact Sciences of the School of Technological Applications of TEI of Larissa.

2.       For the last three years Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the same Institute.





 • Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of promoting the quality of ceramic products use in buildings.

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of Remazol decolarization (Archimedes I, 12-5-2004 until 31-12-2007).

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of statistical and mechanical behaviour of caolin + graphite fibres and cement + flying ash (Archimedes II, 01-01-2005 until 31-12-2007).

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of development of new advanced ceramic products by incorporating industrial dust wastes in brick clays (Archimedes II, , 01-01-2005 until 31-12-2007)

Member in «UNIT OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPREUNEURSHIP OF TECNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LARISSA» Deliverable: Case study Sewage sludge recycling into ceramics” (28-02-2012 until 05-07-2012).

  Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of W. Macedonia in the «Valorization of industrial and agricultural solid residuals into ceramics». Archimedes ΙΙΙ, 01-03-2012 until 28-02-2015.

•Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in “COMPETENCE BASED E-LEARNING IN GENERAL & HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT FOR NEW SKILLS DEVELOPMENT” [LLP-LdV-TOI-2011-11GR1-LEO 05-6797].

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of incorporation of by-products of olive mills, sewage sludge, ASF into ceramic tiles. Research program (7-10-2011 until   31-8-2014).

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of novel ceramic materials (SYNERGASIA 2011, 1-1-2013 until 30-6-2015).

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of algae fuel production (SYNERGASIA 2011, 1-1-2013 until 30-6-2015).



 His main research interests are in the fields of environmental pollution control, Circular economy, Industrial Symbiosis, Materials Technology with emphasis on the development of innovative ceramic –building materials in terms of stabilizing Toxic Solid Wastes in Ceramic Matrices, energy savings through the whole Life Cycle of the ceramic building materials and CO2 reduction.


Over 50 publications in refereed international scientific magazines and Proceedings of refereed International Conferences



Over 100 references to the scientific publications in the international magazines (Science Citation Index)


• Analytical Instruments Technology, Technological & Educational Institute of Larissa (1991), 97 pages, Textbook for the course: Medical laboratories.

• Laboratory testing on building materials, Technological & Educational Institute of Larissa (2001), 63 pages, Textbook for the course: Infrastructure Engineering.

• Laboratory Experiments on General Chemistry, Technological & Educational Institute of Larissa (2011), 190 pages, Textbook for the course: Medical laboratories.

• Laboratory Experiments on Building Materials, Technological & Educational Institute of Larissa (2011), 325 pages, Textbook for the course: Infrastructure Engineering.

Other Information:

His main research interests are in the fields of circular economy and industrial symbiosis with emphasis on the valorization of secondary raw materials for the production of building materials.

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of promoting the quality of ceramic products use in buildings.

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of Remazol decolarization (Archimedes I, 12-5-2004 until 31-12-2007).

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of statistical and mechanical behaviour of caolin + graphite fibres and cement + flying ash (Archimedes II, 01-01-2005 until 31-12-2007).

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of development of new advanced ceramic products by incorporating industrial dust wastes in brick clays (Archimedes II, , 01-01-2005 until 31-12-2007)

Member in «UNIT OF INNOVATION AND ENTERPREUNEURSHIP OF TECNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LARISSA» Deliverable: Case studySewage sludge recycling into ceramics” (28-02-2012 until 05-07-2012).

Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of W. Macedonia in the   «Valorization of industrial and agricultural solid residuals into ceramics» (Archimedes ΙΙΙ, 01-03-2012 until 28-02-2015).

•Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in “COMPETENCE BASED E-LEARNING IN GENERAL & HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT FOR NEW SKILLS DEVELOPMENT” [LLP-LdV-TOI-2011-11GR1-LEO 05-6797].

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of incorporation of by-products of olive mills, sewage sludge, ASF and petcoke into ceramic tiles. Research program sponsored by the private sector (TERRA SA, 7-10-2011 until 31-8-2013).

• Responsible of a Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of novel ceramic materials (SYNERGASIA 2011, 1-1-2013 until 30-6-2015).

• Member of Research team in the Technological and Educational Institute of Larissa in the area of algae fuel production (SYNERGASIA 2011, 1-1-2013 until 30-6-2015).


Full CV

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