Personnel > CV
Karetsos Georgios
Dept / Service:
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
[email protected]
Personal Web Site:
Working Object:
Resource management and protocol design in fixed and wireless networks, Mobility and interference management, Heterogeneous and cooperative networking, Cognitive networking, Αctive networking, Performance evaluation.
Short CV:
1. STUDIES: May 1996 : Dr.-Ing. degree, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. February 1992 : Diploma in Electrical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Electrical Engineering. 2. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS: Computer networks and QoS assurance techniques, distributed processing and resource management. Dr. Karetsos has over 60 publications in journals/books and in conference proceedings. 3. PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES: He has participated in the Technical Program Committees of the following international conferences and workshops: EDOC (Enterprise Distributed Object Computing) 1998 and 1999, IWAN (International Workshop on Active Networks) 2001, Mobile Venue 2002 και 2004, European Wireless 2005, IST Summit 2005 and 2006, IEEE PIMRC 2005 and as Technical Program Committee co-chair of European Wireless 2006. He has also acted as reviewer in numerous journals and conferences related to computer communications and wireless networking. 4. PROFESSIONAL AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: He has participated in a number of international and national research projects related to computer communications and wireless networking while he was with the division of Computer Science in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens like RACE-STRATOSPHERIC, ACTS-ABS, ACTS-ΑBROSE, IST-FAIN, IST-ANDROID, IST-MANTRIP and IST-HARP. After he has joined TEI of Larissa he was involved in the following projects: Information Technology Curriculum Enhancement in the Computer Science and Telecommunications department of TEI Larissa supported by the Greek ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs. Scientific coordinator for TRC-Thessaly of project “DIOSKOUROI”, a human network of technological and research training supported by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. Scientific coordinator of the project “Resource Management Techniques for Achieving Quality and Reliability in Mobile Telecommunication Networks” supported by the Greek ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs in the framework of the “ARCHIMEDES” initiative.

Other Information:
Member of ΙΕΕΕ and of the Technical Chamber of Greece.

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