Personnel > CV
Savvas Ilias
Dept / Service:
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
[email protected]
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Working Object:
(en)Τομέας Προγραμματισμού και Τεχνολογίας Λογισμικού
Short CV:

Dr. Ilias K. Savvas was awarded PhD from UCD, Ireland in Computer Science, a Masters degree in Computer Science form University of Dundee, U.K. and BSc in Mathematics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He was appointed as lecturer at the Computer Science and Telecommunications (CST) Department of T.E.I. of Larissa, Greece. He is currently Associate Professor at CST, TEI of Larissa. His research interests span the areas of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Parallel Computing, Distributed Data mining, heterogeneous distributed systems and Grid computing. Dr. Savvas has published over 20 research articles in refereed journals and conferences. He serves on the scientific committees for a number of international journals and conferences. He was the general chair of the WETICE-2010 IEEE conference and he is member of the steering committee of the International IEEE Track on Cooperative Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining – CKDD. He is a member of the IEEE computer society.


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