Personnel > CV
Vlachos Vasileios
Assistant Professors
Dept / Service:
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
2410 684543
2410 684-573
[email protected]
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Short CV:

Dr. Vasileios Vlachos is an Assistant Professor at the University of Thessaly. He holds a Diploma in Electronic & Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Crete, an MSc in Integrated Hardware and Software Systems from the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics of the University of Patras and a PhD in Information Systems Security from the Department of Management Science and Technology of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He is a Senior Researcher at the Computer Technology Institute "Diophantus" (C.T.I.) of Patras, participating in various national and EU funded research projects. Dr. Vlachos has served as a technical expert to the Digital Awareness and Response to Threats (DART) team of the Special Secretariat for Digital Planning of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Dr. Vasileios Vlachos has coauthored peer-reviewed scientific journals, chapters in scientific books and more than 40 publications in international peer-reviewed conferences. He was an invited speaker in more than 40 national conferences. Dr. Vasileios Vlachos is serving as a reviewer in several international scientific journals and conferences and has also organized, moderated and coordinated successful academic, scientific and professional conferences.

Dr. Vlachos is a member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Free/Open Source Software Society (GFOSS), member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers (HACE), member of the Board of Directors of the Greek Computer Society (GCS) and Deputy Director of the Greek Chapter of the OWASP. He has also served as a special adviser and technical expert at the Digital Awareness and Response to Threats (DART) team of the Special Secretariat for Digital Planning of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Finance.

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