Teaching Courses Agricultural Chemistry and processing of Agricultural products
Short CV:
PhD. in Agriculture, University of Plovdiv,Bulgaria.
Study of polyphenols as antioxidants in grapes and wines.(30-12-2005)
MSc.(2 years) in Agriculture University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Technology Agro-food and biotechnology. (12-07-2000)
B.Sc. in Chemistry, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki. (09-04-1987)
Teaching Courses: Agricultural Chemistry, Soil science, Applied soil science, Fertilizers and plant nutrition, processing of Agricultural products. Technological Educational Ibstitute of Larisa, Departament of plant production year:(2001-2010).
Participation (fee) for 4 European researsh projects:
Researsh projects: Valued input-output of heavy metals in animal husbandry and the variation in animal products.<<ENVIRONMENT-ARCHIMIDIS - 2 >>Technological Education Institute of Larisa, Department of plant production: (22/12/2006-31/12/2007).
Researsh projects: confrontation weed using aromatic plants and essential oils in organic farming. << ARCHIMIDIS-2 >> Technological Education Institute of Larisa, Department of plant production (01/01/2005-31/12/2006)
Researsh projects: Biological confrontation vascular wilt and nematodes, with biological competitors, essentials oils, organic additives and crop rotation. <<ARCHIMIDIS - 1 >> Technological Education Institute of Larisa, Department of plant production (13/05/2004-31/12/2007).
Researsh projects: Examination and use of leaf protein. Agricultural University Plovdiv,Bulgaria (01/01/1998-31/12/2002).
Research Work 1. Κ. Δήμας, Ι. Βασιλάκογλου, Θ. Γάτσης, Ν. Γκουγκουλιάς, Ν. Χουλιαράς, Κ. Πασχαλίδης και Χ. Μακρίδης,(2010). ΑΝΤΑΓΩΝΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΙΚΑΝΟΤΗΤΑ ΜΙΓΜΑΤΩΝ ΚΡΙΘΑΡΙΟΥ ΜΕ ΚΟΥΚΙΑ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΖΙΖΑΝΙΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΡΟΥΝΑ ( Papaver rhoeas). 16 Επιστημονικό συνέδριο Ελληνικής ζιζανιολογικής εταιρείας, Καρδίτσα 1-2 Δεκεμβρίου 2010.
2. N. Chouliaras, F. Gravanis, I. Vasilakoglou, E. Anastassopoulos, N. Gougoulias, I. Vagelas, A. Tsitsigiannis and E. Wogiatzi,(2007). EFFECTS OF OREGANO AND BASIL RESIDUE INCORPORATION IN SOIL CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES CULTIVATED WITH CORN AND COTTON. Record 5ou National Conference of Agricultyral Engineering pp. 511-518. Larisa (18-20)-10-2007. Organization, University of Thessaly and Thechnological Educational Institute of Larisa. 3. Nikolaos Chouliaras, Fotios Gravanis, Ioannis Vasilakoglou, Nikolaos Gougoulias, Ioannis Vagelas, Christos Drossinos & Eleni Wogiatzi,(2007).The giodegradation of oregano and basil foliar tissues in soil. 2nd Panhellenic Symposium Green Chemistry and Sustainable pp. 8. Development 8-10 March 2007, Patras, Greece.Organization, HELLENIC GREEN CHEMISTRY NETWORK 4. N. Gougoulias, L. Masheva and N. Mashev.(2002). Studies of total phenol contents, anthocyans and antioxidant activity of some Bulgarian and Greek red wines Proceedings of Forth National Scientific Conference with international Participation, Ecology and Health(2002), pp. 277-282, 24 October 2002. Academic Publishing house of Agriculture University Plondiv. 5. N. Gougoulias, L. Masheva and N. Mashev (2002). Phenolic content and antiradical activity (DPPH0) of Bulgarian and greek wines. National Scientific Conference with International Participation pp. 355-361,Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven Bulgaria 2002 E-mail: [email protected] 6. N. Gougoulias, L. Masheva and N. Mashev (2002). Antioxidant Ferri-reducing activity of phenols in wines (FRAP method). National Scientific Conference with International Participation, pp. 329-336, Institute of Viticulture and Enology, Pleven Bulgaria 2002.
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Work 1. Gougoulias, N., Papachatzis, A., Kalorizou, H., Chouliara, A., and Chouliaras, N. 2010. Studies of Total phenol contents, Anthocyans and antioxidant activity of some Greek red wines. Annales of the university of Craiova, Vol. XV ( XLXI), pp. 269-274 2. Gougoulias, N., Papachatzis, A., Kalorizou, H., Chouliara, A., and Chouliaras, N. 2010. Fertilization management of greenhouse crops based on soil salinity lever. Annales of the university of Craiova, Vol XV ( XLXI), pp. 275-278 3. C. Svarnas, D. Pateras, C. Makridis, N. Rigas, N. Gougoulias, L. Roka, 2009. Transfer of heavy metal from animal feedstuff to animal products. FAO/ IAEA International symposium on sustainable improvement of animal production and health, 8-11 june 2009, Vienna Austria.Synopses pdf
4. Gougoulias N., Papachatzis A., Vagelas I., Chouliaras N., 2008. Total phenols and antiradical activity (DPPH0) of red and white wines from different regions of Greece. Annales of the university of Craiova, Vol. XIII(XLIX), pp. 11-16 5. Gravanis, F.T., Chouliaras, N.A., Xifilidou, S., Gougoulias, N., Vagelas, I. K., Gemtos, T.A., P. (2005). Effect of cotton seed acid delinting product and gin trash on soil nitrification and the possibility in disseminating cotton pathogens. Acta Horticulturae 698,pp. 273-277. 6. Gravanis, F.T., Chouliaras, N., Vagelas, I., Gougoulias, N., Sabani, P., Wogiatzi, E., (2005). The effect of (Origanum vulgare) as an alτernative soil borne pathogen control agent, on soil organic matter biodegradation and other soil chemical properties. Crop Science & Technology Congress Proceedings 1, pp. 2A-11, 105-108.
Research Work
21.Gougoulias, N 2011Study on polyphenol content and antioxidative properties of whole grain fpours from some cereal and leguminous crops.Oxidation Communications 34 (2) accepted 12-09-2010. 20.Gougoulias, N 2011An Estimate of polypenols content and antioxidant activity of the green mass of some cereal and leguminous forage crops.Oxidation Communications 34 (1) accepted 13-05-2010. 19. Gougoulias, N. Masheva L. 2010Effect of some phytohormones on polyphenols content and antioxidative activity of grape of mavrud variety (vitis vinifera L. )Oxidation Communications 33 (4) accepted 03-02-2010. 18.Gougoulias, N. Masheva, L. 2010Effect of Gibberillic acid (GA3) on polyphenols content and antioxidative activity of some table grape varieties of vitis vinifera L.Oxidation Communications 33 (3) pp.652-660 17.Gougoulias, N.,Vagelas, I., Vasilakoglou, I., Gravanis, F., Louka, A., Wogiatzi, E., Chouliaras, N.2010 Comparison of neem or oregano with thiram on organic matter decomposition of a sand loam soil amended with compost, and on soil biological activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90(2), pp. 286-29
16.Gougoulias, N.2010Study on polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of selected wines from the island of crete, Greece.Oxidation Communications 33 (2), pp.443-451
15. Gougoulias, N. 2010Study on phenolics and antioxidant activity of selected wines from some greek Aegean sea islandsOxidation Communications 33 (1), pp. 167-174
8. Gougoulias, N.2009Study on polyphenols content and antioxidative activity of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) of different originOxidation Communications 32 (4), pp. 917-923
9.Gougoulias, N.2009 Comparative study on polyphenols content and antioxidant effect of Bulgarian and Greek grape varieties (V. vinifera)Oxidation Communications 32 (3), pp. 707-713
10. Gougoulias, N., 2009. Comparative study on the polyphenol composition and antioxidant potential of peloponnese wines Oxidation Communications 32 (2), pp. 473-482
11.Gougoulias, N.2009Polyphenol and antioxidant characteristics of some greek wines of the Ionian islandsOxidation Communications 32 (1), pp. 78-84
13. E. Wogiatzi, N. Gougoulias, A. Papachatzis, I. Vagelas and N. Chouliaras. 2009.Greek oregano essential oils production, phytotoxicity and antifungal activity J. Biotechnology & BiotechnologicalEquipment 23/2009/1, pp. 1150-1152.
15.Gougoulias, N.,Mashev, N.2008. Comparative study on the antiradical efficiency of polyphenols in Greek and Bulgarian wines. Oxidation Communications 31(2), pp. 320-326
16.Gougoulias, N.,Mashev, N 2008Evaluation of polyphenols antioxidant activity of grape seeds (V. vinifera)Oxidation Communications 31 (1), pp. 88-97
5. Chouliaras, N., Gravanis, F., Vasilakoglou, I., Gougoulias, N.,Vagelas, I., Kapotis, T., Wogiatzi, E.2007The effect of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) on soil organic matter biodegradation and other soil chemical propertiesJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87 (13), pp. 2416-2419 4. Gugulias, N., Mashev, N., 2006. Antioxidant effects and polyphenol content in some greek wines from Macedonia and Thrace. Oxidation Communications 29(3),pp. 585-594 3. Gugulias, N., 2005. Phenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Some Bulgarian and Greek Wines. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology Vol6(2), pp. 392-400 2. Gugulias, N, Masheva, L. Mashev, N. 2004. Studies of Total Phenols Contents, Anthocyans and Antioxidant Activity of Some Bulgarian and Greek Red Wines. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology Vol(3), pp. 555-562 1. Masheva, L. Mashev, N. Gugulias, N. 2001. Interaction between Polyphenols and Antioxidant Activity in Grapes and Wines from Different Ecological Regions of Bulgaria and Greece. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology Vol 2(4),pp.944-948
Other Information:
For the research work
Gougoulias, N., I. Vagelas., I. Vasilakoglou, F. Gravanis, A. Louka., E. Wogiatzi, and N. Chouliaras. 2010. Comparison of neem or oregano with thiramon organic matter decomposition of a sand loam soil amended with compost, and on soil biological activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture90: 286-290
1. Mendez-Bautista, J., F. Fernandez-Luqueno, F. Lopez-Valdez, R. Mendoza-Cristino, J.A. Montes-Molina, F.A. Gutierrez-Miceli, and Dendooven. 2010. Effect of pest controlling neem and mata-raton leaf extracts on greenhouse gas emissions from urea-amended soil cultivated with beans: A greenhouse experiment. Science of the Total Environment 408(21): 4961-4968 2. T. Braun and Andtas Schubert, 7 April 2010. Journal of radioanalytical and Nuclear chemistry, 2005-2009 : a citation-based bibliography and impact analysis using hirsch-type statistics. Vol 285, N0 1 : 1-168.
For the research work
Gougoulias, N. 2009. Comparative study on the polyphenol composition and antioxidant potential of peloponnese wines. Oxidation Communications 32(2), pp. 473-482
3. Yung J. Yoo, Anthony J. Saliba, Paul D. Prenzler. 2010. Should Red Wine Be Considered a Functional Food? Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9(5), pp. 530-551
For the research work
Chouliaras, N., Gravanis, F., Vasilakoglou, I., Gougoulias, N., Vagelas, I., Kapotis, T., Wogiatzi, E. 2007. The effect of basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.) on soil organic matter biodegradation and other soil chemical properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87(13), pp. 2416-2419
4. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Fischer, R., Blaicher, Y., Mayer, A.M. 2009. Allelochemicals released by leaf residues of Micromeria fruticosa in soils, their uptake and metabolism by inhibited wheat seed. Plant and Soil 314(1-2), pp. 311-317 5. Chalkos, D., K. Kadoglidou, K. Karamanoli, C. Fotiou, A.S. Pavlatou-Ve, I.G.Eleftherohorinos, H.I.A. Constantinidou, and D. Vokou. 2010. Mentha spicata and Salvia fruticosa composts as soil amendments in tomato cultivation. Plant and Soil 332(1), pp. 495-509 6. Singh Samunder, Singh Megh. 2009. Interactions of Basil (Ocimum sanctum L.) with Some Weed Species-Competition or Allelopathy? Indian Journal of Weed Science. Vol:41, Issue:1&2 7. M. D. Mahfuzul Hoque, M. L. Bari, Y. Inatsu, Vijayk. juneja, S. Kawamoto,December 2007. Antibacterial activity of Guava ( Psidium guajava L. ) and Neem ( Azadirachta indica A. juss). Extracts Against Foodborne Pathogens and Spoilage Bacteria.Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2007, Vol 4, N0 4 : 481-488.
For the research work
Gugulias, N., Mashev, N. 2006. Antioxidant effects and polyphenol content in some greek wines from Macedonia and Thrace. Oxidation Communications 29(3), pp. 585-594
by 8. Stasko, A., Brezova, V., Mazur, M., Certik, M., Kalinak, M., Gescheidt, G. 2008. A comparative study on the antioxidant properties of Slovakian and Austrian wines. Food Science and Technology 41(10), pp. 2126-2135 9. Rivero-Perez, M.D., Muniz, P., Gonzalez-Sanjose, M.L. 2007. Antioxidant profile of red wines evaluated by total antioxidant capacity, scavenger activity, and biomarkers of oxidative stress methodologies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55(14), pp. 5476-5483
For the research work
Gravanis, F.T., Chouliaras, N.A., Xifilidou, S., Gougoulias, N., Vagelas, I.K., Gemptos, T.A.2005. Effect of cotton-seed acid delinting product and gin trash on soil nitrification and the possibility in disseminating cotton pathogens. Acta Horticulturae 698, pp. 273-277
10. Al-Sadi, A.M., Drenth, A., Deadman, M.L., Al-said, F.A., Khan, I., Aitken, E.A.B. 2008. Potential sources of pythium inoculum into greenhouse soils with no previous history of cultivation. Journal of Phytopathology 156(7-8), pp. 502-505
For the research work
Gugulias, N. 2005. Phenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Some Bulgarian and Greek Wines. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. Vol.6(2), pp. 392-400
11. El-Hautum, A., Amrani, S.M., Daudi, Z., Masheva, L. 2008. Polyphenols antioxidant activity of dessert grapes from different ecological regions. Oxidation Communications 31(2), pp. 311-319 12. Masheva, L., Daudp, Z., Amrani, S.M., EL-Hautum, A. 2007. Polyphenol composition and antioxidant potential of dessert grape v. vinifera. Oxidation Communications 30(2), pp. 291-299