Personnel > CV
Chouliaras Ioannis
Dept / Service:
Department of Infrustructure Engineering
[email protected]
Personal Web Site:
Working Object:
Subject: Soil Mechanics

Course Sector: Α΄

Teaching courses: Statics, Construction calculations, Concrete applications by PC, Construction Management

Administrative responsibilities:

Short CV:
Ioannis G. Chouliaras was born in 1956 in Farsala, Larissa, Greece. In 1980 he became a Civil Engineer, in 1982 took his MSc in Construction Management and Economics from the University of ASTON in Birmingham, UK, and in 2000 took his PhD from the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
His development in the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration of the Technical Educational Institute (TEI) of Larissa (Karditsa Annex) followed the next phases: Contract Assistant Professor (1985-1989), Lecturer (1989-1992), Assistant Professor (1992-2002), Associate Professor (2002-2006) and from 2006 he was a Professor at the same Department in the subject of Soil Mechanics.
In July 2014 he moved in the Department of Civil Engineering in Larissa in the same TEI.
From 1994 till today he published alone or in cooperation with other scientists eighteen scientific works in International and Greek magazines or in proceedings of Greek and International Conferences. Most of them are characterized as laboratory and deal with Soil Mechanics and Soil Erosion themes. Some of them deal with applied themes on bioclimatic building design and entrepreneurship. He wrote a book on Reinforced Concrete Constructions according to the Eurocode 2, which is used by the students of TEI that take the course. In the last years he was scientific responsible for three research and six European programs, that were elaborated by scientific groups of TEI and other external collaborators. He participated in three research and two European programs. Also, he participated in the elaboration of two necessity and application studies for the foundation of two new Departments in the Karditsa Annex, namely, the Department of Wood and Furniture Design and Technology and the Department of Food Technology. During the last 28 years, from 1980 till today, he participated as engineer and contractor in the design and implementation of various private and public building, road and hydraulic projects. He, also, participated in the study and supervision of building and athletic infrastructure works of the TEI of Larissa. In the context of providing services and counsels by the soil mechanics laboratory of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration, he prepared soil mechanics research-studies for the foundation of private and TEI buildings. He was Head of Course Sector of Forest Constructions for nine years and Vice-head of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Administration for two years. Also, for the purpose of supporting the development of the Karditsa Annex, he assumed the responsibility for the implementation of the new Department of Food Technology and became Head of the Department at the three first years of its operation.

Other Information:
Member of scientific organizations:
1. Technical Chamber of Greece.
2. European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC).
3. European Water Resources Association (EWRA).
4. Society of Thessalian Studies.
5. Hellenic Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (HSSMGE).
6. International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
Full CV

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