Personnel > CV
Papadimopoulos Ioannis
Dept / Service:
Business Administration
[email protected]
Personal Web Site:
Working Object:
Legal Relationships in Enterprises
Short CV:
 Prof. Ioannis Papadimopoulos acquired his Bachelor in Law at Demokritus University in Greece and his Ph.D in Business Law at University Justus Liebek in Germany. His Supervisor  was Prof.  Thomas Raiser.  Professor Papadimopoulos was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Johannes Gutenberg  University in Germany with a scholarship  from the DAAD Foundation.
Since 1998 to date  he has been a  full Professor  at  the Department of Business Administration of the Technological  Educational Institute of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece. He teaches European  and Greek Business Law, Greek Civil Law, Labour Law and Contract Law for Projects, Procurements and Services in the Public and State Sector.  He has published in German and Greek  journals and cowritten books on European and Greek Business and Civil Law issues. He was a member of the Legislatorial Committee on  Law 4072/2012 about improving the business environment in Greece.  

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