Personnel > CV
Mplanas Nikolaos
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Business Administration
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Project management
Short CV:


Personal details


Name: Mplanas Nikolaos

Nationality: Greek

Tel.: +30 2410 684 590+30 2410 684 590

Email : [email protected]




Associate Professor of Project Management at the department of the Technological Educational Institution of Larissa ( My teaching includes evaluation of projects and basic knowledge of Project Management.





Prior Experience

Public Sector


2001-2005            Region of Thessaly                                  Larissa, Greece

I was director at the Unit A (Programmation and Evaluation) of the Management Authority of the Operational Programme of Thessaly, for the period 2000-2006.




1998-2001            Region of Thessaly                                  Larissa, Greece

I was member of the Management Organisation Unit (MOU) of the Operational Programme of Thessaly, for the period 1994-1999.


Private Sector


  • Management consultant of the Operational Programme of Thessaly, for the period 1989-1994.
  • Scientific consultant of Development Society in Elassona’s district. (1993)
  • Feasibility studies of development projects LIFE, RECITE and Local initiatives LEADER I & II (1990-1995)







1992          University of Paul Valery, Montpellier, France

Doctor of Philosophy in Regional development

Mention: with honors

Thesis statement: Project for the economic development of Olympus




1988          Agronomic Mediterranean Institute of Montpellier, France               M.Sc in rural and nutrition Policies

Thesis statement: The affects of river Achelloos’ deviation, in rural economy of Larissa’s department.




1987          University of Paul Valery, Montpellier, France

M.Sc in regional development

Thesis statement: Economic perspectives for the development of    mountains areas.



1983          University of Thessaloniki, Department of Agriculture, Greece

Specialization: rural economy, programmation and sociology

Thesis statement: Applications of the Linear programmation for the reorganization of the rural production in the district of Agia Larissa.




·         1.N. Mplanas Intensives Policies of Agricultural in the department of Larissa. Congress of GEOTEE., 29-30 November 1989, Karditsa.


·         2. N. MplanasThe emergence of Olympus mountain as natural, touristic and civilizing center of Greece. Congress of TEE, 13-14 Μαρτίου 1993,  Larissa.

·         3. N. Mplanas – Ski station construction project on Olympus mountain. Revue de Geographie Alpine – Tome LXXXII, Grenoble 1994.

·         4. N. Mplanas, C. Tzanakoulis, D. Tselios - Evaluation of training educational programmes of the A! European Support Framework of Thessaly. Congress of the rural economy Association, 28-30 November 1996, Thessaloniki.

·         5. N. Mplanas - Touristic development of Mountain’s areas. Revue of agricultural engineer association, No 10, page 17, Nov-Dec 1994.

·         6. P. Ipsilandis, G. Samaras, N. Mplanas  - A Multicriteria Approach for Measuring the Satisfaction of Project Organizations in European Operating Programmes. MCDM 2006. -The 18th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Chania, Greece, June 19-23, 2006

·         7. P. Ipsilandis, G. Samaras, N. Mplanas  - A  multicriteria approach in programme risk analysis. 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, Shanghai, China, 15-17 October 2006


·         8. Nicolaos Mplanas, Kleanthis Syrakoulis, Pandelis Ipsilantis - Adaptation of Thessaly Region SMES to New Business Environment: An Empirical Study. How does it Affect Higher Education? 5th International Conference New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education 30 - 31 August 2007, Rhodes Island.





I speak Greek (native language) and French (excellent)



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