Personnel > CV
Giavasis Ioannis
Assistant Professors
Dept / Service:
Department of Food Technology (Karditsa)
[email protected]
Personal Web Site:
Working Object:
Food Microbiology & Biotechnology
Short CV:

Dr. Ioannis Giavasis - Resume

-- Food Scientist, graduated from the School of Agriculture, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (1998) -- PhD in Applied Microbiology-Biotechnology, specializing in microbial physiology and fermentation technology (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK, 2002) -- Professional industrial experience in Greece, Austria and the UK in the Food Industry (canned foods and ready-meals industry, dairy industry) and the Fermentation Industry. Post-doctoral research in fermentation process optimization, and the production of low-processed ready meals -- Academic experience as a tutor/contract lecturer from 2004-2008 (teaching Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Dairy and Meat Science, Biochemistry, etc.) -- Lecturer in Food Microbiology (2008) and Assistant Professor in Food Microbiology and Microbial Fermentations (2014) at the Technological Institute of Thessaly-- Head and founder of the Lab of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology --Invited lecturer in MAICH (Mediterranean Agronomical Institute of Chania), Crete, teaching "Food Microbiology" as part of the international MSc program "Food Quality Management & Chemistry of Natural Products" --  Invited lecturer at the University of Thessaly, Dept. Biochemistry & Biotechnology (for the MSc course "Nutritional and Environmental Biotechnology")

Research interests and activities: Food Biotechnology and Microbial Fermentations, Bioprocess Control, Microbial Physiology, Microbial Polysaccharides, Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Hurdle Technology and Low-Processed Foods, Production and Applications of Bacteriocins, Natural Bioactive/Antimicrobial/Antioxidant phytochemicals, Use of Predator Organisms in Food Preservation and Safety, Pharmaceutical Mushrooms, Probiotics, Functional (bioactive) foods.

Dr. Giavasis has participated since 2008 in more than 50 research programs or industrial R&D contracts with a total budget above 1 million euros (of which in ~25 as the scientific co-ordinator), and holds 4 patents on the applications of olive polyphenols isolated from olive fruit/olive mill waste as novel antimicrobials/antioxidants in food, or as stimulants of microbial fermentations, as well as on the production of bioactive, cholesterol-lowering yogurt dessert containing oat β-glucans and olive polyphenols. He has published 28 articles/book chapters in scientific peer-reviewed journals/ chapters with over 590 references to his work (h-index=11), as well 65 (mostly international) conference presentations. He is a co-editor in two scientific book editions, invited reviewer in 12 scientific journals, scientific reviewer for the Greek General Sectretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) as well as the National Scholarships Foundation (IKY), and member of the scientific committee or Invited Chairman in 4 international conferences. He has been the supervisor of over 80 experimental and 40 bibliographic dissertations of undergraduate students, while he is/has been also supervisor/co-supervisor of 3 M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D. Thesis.      


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