Institute Personnel > Publications > Kantas Dimitrios
  Publications - Kantas Dimitrios
Determination of the production system to characterize the lamb and goat meat (Hepirus) in order to obtain a quality stamp.
  P. Goulas, K. Petrotos, G. Rigas, D. Kantas, A. Moulas. Determination of the production system to characterize the lamb and goat meat (Hepirus) in order to obtain a quality stamp. Conference: "Assessment of production of indigenous breeds, innovation in bio-medical products and conservation of biodiversity in the border regions of Greece, under the CIP INTERREG III / A Greece-Italy Axis 2 -" Entrepreneurship " 28-29 September 2008, Metsovo
The reasons for farmers involvement with organic sheep and goat production.

J. Skoufos, D. Κrassos, J. Αnastasiou, C.Voidarou, C.Xaxiris, D. Kantas, Η. Giannenas, Α. Tzora. The reasons for farmers involvement with organic sheep and goat production. 3rd International Conference on Organic Livestock Production "Ecotourism and Organic Sheep and Goat Production: Quality and Innovation”, 20-21 September 2008, Agrinio.

Effect of feeding technique on the quality and persistence of milk production of Chios bred ewes.

D. Kantas, J. Ntafopoulos, G. Rigas, P. Goulas, K. Zoulfos, M.  Chatzivlasiou. Effect of feeding technique on the quality and persistence of milk production of Chios bred ewes.Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 235-242.

The duration of treatment with progestogens before applying artificial insemination affects the fertility of Karagouniko race ewes.

I. Valasi, Κ. Deligiannis, T. Τsiligianni, D. Kantas, T. Lainas,G. Amiridis. The duration of treatment with progestogens before applying artificial insemination affects the fertility of Karagouniko race ewes.Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 75-79.

The effect of Bacillus Toyoi administration in the growth of housed broiler chickens - Part I.

D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas, P. Goulas, G. Rigas,  C.  Makridis.  The effect of Bacillus Toyoi administration in the growth of housed broiler chickens - Part I.Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag.  90-101.                             

The effect of Bacillus Toyoi administration in the growth of housed broiler chickens - Part ΙΙ.

D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas, P. Goulas, G. Rigas, C.  Makridis. The effect of Bacillus Toyoi administration in the growth of housed broiler chickens - Part ΙΙ. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 102-114.

Variation of the concentration of heavy metals in productive animals feed and waste: Actual Situation and Risks.

C. Svarnas, D. Kantas, C.  Makridis, G. Rigas. Variation of the concentration of heavy metals in productive animals feed and waste: Actual Situation and Risks. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 121-126.

The effect of Bacillus Toyoi in broiler performance under different production systems (farming conditions).

G. Rigas, D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas, Κ. Feggeros, V. Spirou. The effect of Bacillus Toyoi in broiler performance under different production systems (farming conditions). Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 127-137.

Epidemiological investigation of the infection of goats and sheep in the province of Elassona from Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis, Chlamydia Psittaci and Lenti-Virus

V. Spirou, P. Goulas, D. Kantas, G. Rigas, Ν. Rigas,  C.Billinis. Epidemiological investigation of the infection of goats and sheep in the province of Elassona from Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis, Chlamydia Psittaci and Lenti-Virus. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 146-157.

An efficient econometric model for assessing dry matter without fat and ash in goat milk

D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas,  G. Rigas, Κ. Zoulfos, Α.Kambamanoli. An efficient econometric model for assessing dry matter without fat and ash in goat milk.  Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag.  200-211.

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