Institute Personnel > Publications > Kantas Dimitrios
  Publications - Kantas Dimitrios
Annual variation in the concentration of thyroxine in Florina breed rams.

V. Babidis, Ε. Dovolou, D. Kalogiannis, D. Kantas, V. Christodoulou, J.  Μenegatos. Annual variation in the concentration of thyroxine in Florina breed rams. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 221-226.

Determination of Ash and Dry matter without fat content of cow's milk by using statistical methods.

G. Rigas, V. Spirou, Α. Papaioannou, D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas. Determination of Ash and Dry matter without fat content of cow's milk by using statistical methods.Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 364-374.

Exploring consumer attitudes of the prefecture of Trikala in organic meat products.

C. Charatsari, Ε.Lioutas, Ν. Rigas,G. Rigas, D. Kantas. Exploring consumer attitudes of the prefecture of Trikala in organic meat products. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 375-385.

Educational Approach of the Chain: Farming-Retailer-Consumer of meat products.

Ε.Lioutas, C. Charatsari, Ν. Rigas, D. Kantas. Educational Approach of the Chain: Farming-Retailer-Consumer of meat products. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 386-395.

An empirical research on organic products in Greece.

G. Rigas, S. Papantoniou, D. Kantas, Ν. Rigas. An empirical research on organic products in Greece. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag.  406-416.

The effect of Bacillus Toyoi addition in the growth of turkeys - Part I.

Ν. Rigas, D. Kantas, G. Rigas, P. Goulas, C. Makridis. The effect of Bacillus Toyoi addition in the growth of turkeys - Part I. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 417-430.                            

The effect of Bacillus Toyoi addition in the growth of turkeys - Part ΙΙ.

D. Kantas,, Ν. Rigas, G. Rigas, P. Goulas, C. Makridis. The effect of Bacillus Toyoi addition in the growth of turkeys - Part ΙΙ. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 431-444.                                                                     

Application of econometric techniques in the calculation of ash and Dry matter without fat in ewes.

Ν. Rigas, D. Kantas, D. Fletouris, G. Rigas, Ν. Papastergiou.  Application of econometric techniques in the calculation of ash and Dry matter without fat in ewes. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008,pag.445-454.                                                                     

An econometric model for the estimation of carcass weight 24 hours after slaughter of local kids from Elassona province.

Ν. Rigas, P. Goulas, D. Kantas, G. Rigas, Κ. Zoulfos. An econometric model for the estimation of carcass weight 24 hours after slaughter of local kids from Elassona province. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 455-464.

Quality characteristics of sheep's milk in selected regions of Thessaly.

Κ. Zoulfos, C. Makridis, D. Kantas, G. Rigas, Α. Kambamanoli, Κ. Evaggelou, C. Svarnas. Quality characteristics of sheep's milk in selected regions of Thessaly. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress in Technology of Animal Production. Larissa 30/6-1/7 2008, pag. 465-468.                                                                     

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