Institute Personnel > Publications > Kantas Dimitrios
  Publications - Kantas Dimitrios
Histological lesions in broilers chickens following the incorporation of mycotoxins in the ration.

Balascas C., Mountzouris K., Kantas D., Heidler D, Feggeros Κ. Histological lesions in broilers chickens following the incorporation of mycotoxins in the ration. 3rd Hellenic Symposium on Food Hygiene & Food Technology, Vol. Α, pag. 405-409, Athens 2004.

Occurrence of mycotoxins in swine feeds and the impact of their concentrations on clinical signs of mycotoxicosis.

Y. Tsakmakidis, A. Limberopoulos, D. Kantas, Κ. Alexopoulos, S. Kyriakis. Occurrence of mycotoxins in swine feeds and the impact of their concentrations on clinical signs of mycotoxicosis. 9th Panhellenic Veterinary Congress, Thessaloniki, 2002, pages 262-263.

The effect of enzymes supplementation on the nutritive value of pig rations.

C. Feggeros, M. Florou, D. Kantas. The effect of enzymes supplementation on the nutritive value of pig rations. 51st European Association for Animal Production, The Hague, August 2000.

A dose titration study on the effect of virginiamycin on specific blood parameters and milk quality in the sow.

Alexopoulos C., Tsinas A., Kantas D., Florou- Paneri P., Read M.P., Vassilopoulos V., Kyriakis S.C. A dose titration study on the effect of virginiamycin on specific blood parameters and milk quality in the sow. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A, 1998, 45(9): 535-542.

A dose titration study on the effect of virginiamycin on gilt/sow and piglet performance.

Kantas D., Vassilopoulos V., Kyriakis S.C., Saoulidis K. A dose titration study on the effect of virginiamycin on gilt/sow and piglet performance. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A, 1998, 45(9): 525-533.

A comparative study on the effect of a dietary multi-enzyme system and / or virginiamycin on weaned piglet performance.

Florou- Paneri P., Kantas D., Alexopoulos C., Tsinas A., Vassilopoulos V., Kyriakis S.C.   A comparative study on the effect of a dietary multi-enzyme system and / or virginiamycin on weaned  piglet  performance.  Proceedings of the 15th I.P.V.S. congress, 1998, vol. 3, p: 35.

The effect of a dietary multi-enzyme system on piglet post-weaning performance.

Kantas D., Florou- Paneri P., Vassilopoulos V., Kyriakis S.C. The effect of a dietary multi-enzyme system on piglet post-weaning performance. Proceedings of the 15th I.P.V.S. congress, 1998, vol. 2,  p: 145.

The effect of virginiamycin on: IV. Blood cholesterol and total lipids concentrations of gilt/sow during three breeding cycles.

Kyriakis S.C., Vassilopoulos V., Kantas D., Alexopoulos C., Florou- Paneri P., Saoulidis K, Read MP. The effect of virginiamycin on: IV. Blood  cholesterol and total lipids concentrations of gilt/sow during three breeding cycles. Proceedings of the 14th I.P.V.S. congress, 1996, p: 441.

The effect of virginiamycin on: III. Milk quality of sows.

Kyriakis S.C., Vassilopoulos V., Kantas D., Florou- Paneri P., Alexopoulos C., Saoulidis K, Read MP. The effect of virginiamycin on: III. Milk quality of sows. Proceedings of the 14th I.P.V.S. congress, 1996, p: 440.

The effect of virginiamycin on: II. Litter size and litter performance.

Kantas D., Alexopoulos C., Vassilopoulos V., Florou- Paneri P., Saoulidis K, Read MP, Kyriakis S.C. The effect of virginiamycin on: II. Litter size and litter performance. Proceedings of the 14th I.P.V.S. congress, 1996, p: 410.

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