Institute Personnel > Publications > Kantas Dimitrios
  Publications - Kantas Dimitrios
The effect of virginiamycin on: I. Gilt and sow performance.

Kantas D.,  Florou- Paneri P., Saoulidis K., Vassilopoulos V., Alexopoulos C., MP Read, Kyriakis S.C. The effect of virginiamycin on: I. Gilt and sow performance. Proceedings of the 14th I.P.V.S. congress, 1996, p: 409.

Control of the Post-Weaning Oedema Disease (PWOD) of piglets with amperozide (AMP) and melperone (MEL)

Kyriakis S.C., Vlemmas J., Papatsas J., Tsinas A.C., Sarris K., Kantas D. Control of the Post-Weaning Oedema Disease (PWOD) of piglets with amperozide (AMP) and melperone (MEL). Proceedings of the 13th I.P.V.S. congress, 1994, p: 237.

Comparative study on the performance of pigs from the integration of different dietary fats.

P. Florou-Paneri, S. Kyriakis, A. Tsinas, D. Kantas, K. Alexopoulos. Comparative study on the performance of pigs from the integration of different dietary fats. Bull. of the Hellenic Veterinary Society, 1994, 45(3): 224-230.

Swine Influenza. Latest information and current situation in Greece.

S. Kyriakis, K. Saoulidis, K. Sarris, Y. Papatsas, D. Kantas. Swine Influenza. Latest information and current situation in Greece. Bull. Hellenic Veterinary Sosiety, 1992, 43(2): 89-94.

The effect of virginiamycin (VM) on the adhesive E. coli in sows and in piglets pre- and post- weaning.

S.C. Kyriakis, K. Sarris, O. Papadopoulos, V. Vassilopoulos, D. Kantas. The effect of virginiamycin (VM) on the adhesive E. coli in sows and in piglets pre- and post- weaning. Proceedings of the 12th I.P.V.S. congress, 1992, p: 623.

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