Personnel > CV
Batis Nicholas
Dept / Service:
Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications
[email protected]
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Working Object:
Teaching includes the following cources: Operations Research, and Business Economics. Research inludes architecture and optimization issues in computer networks, link layer protocols, biomedical applications, etc.  
Short CV:

Nicholas Th. Batis received the B.S. degree from Athens University in Math, M.S. degree in Economics Systems and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Operations Research all from Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn, NY. He started his professional career as an Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts/Boston and he continued his professional development as a member of Technical Staff (MTS) of AT&T Bell Laboratories. During his employment at Bell Laboratories got involved in analytical studies for the development of a high speed data network with world wide application. He was actively involved in the development of an international standard for a Frame Relay data network as a member of the USA technical team.


He is currently Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Dr. Batis served as the chairman of the Information Technology and Telecommunications Department. He also served from September 2003 to September 2010 as Dean of the School of Engineering, at the Larissa Institute of Technology (TEI), Larissa, Greece. His current research interests include Optimization Methods in Communication Networks.

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