Institute Personnel > Courses - Schedule > Batis Nicholas
  Courses - Batis Nicholas
Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics
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Definitions, Combinatorial analysis, Random variables (discrete and continuous), Theoretical Probability distributions, The Binomial, Normal, Poisson, Bernoulli, Gamma, Exponential, etc. Basic concepts of Statistics, Estimation theory, Space of reliance, random variable functions.

Teaching Hours

Monday:       Lecture: 8:00-10:00am
                   Classroom: Amfitheater of building DDE
Monday:    Tutorials: GROUP A 10am-12 noon, Room: DIAL2
                                      GROUP B 12 noon -14:00, Room: DIAL2

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This course analyzes the basic economic theory that is need for the solution of business economic problems. Specific topics that are studied include: Introduction to the decision making process. Goals and criteria for decision making. Money value over time. Annuities. Evaluation of different investment plans. Sensitivity analysis. Risk analysis. Economic forecasting models. Theory and analysis of supply and demand. Theory and analysis of production. Cost analysis.  Mathematical programming for cost minimization or profit maximization.  
Teaching Hours
  Fall Semester

Lecture:               Friday:   9:00 am -12:00 noon Classroom Amfitheatro DDE
Tutorial:               Tusday  16:00  - 18:00  GROUP A, Amfitheatro DDE
                                             18:00  - 20:00  GROUP B, Amfitheatro DDE
Operations Research
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This course analyzes the use of quantitative methods in decision making problems. In particular focuses in the mathematical models used to describe business problems characterized as linear programming problems. Specific topics of  linear programming that are studied include  problem formulation, seeking the optimal solution through the graphical method and with simplex, economic interpretation of the final tableau, and the dual problem. In addition, the course considers the transportation problem, networking problems and their algorithms for finding the optimal solution, the PERT/CPM method and the use of software packages designed for the solution of the above problems.
Teaching Hours
  Spring Semester
9:00am -11:00am Problem solving   Group A, Classroom: ΔΙΑΛ2
11:00am  -  1:00pm  Problem solving  Group B,  Classroom: ΔΙΑΛ2
9:00am - 12:00 Lecture, Classroom: ΔΙΑΛ2
  Office Hours - Batis Nicholas
   Κτήριο Τμήματος
  10:00-11:00 και 13:00-14:00

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