Personnel > CV
Karastergiou Sotirios
Dept / Service:
Department of Furniture Technology (Karditsa)
24410-79206 (εσωτ. 114)
[email protected]
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Working Object:
  • Wood Technology
  • Mechanical Wood Processing
Short CV:

Name:                 SOTIRIOS
Surname:             KARASTERGIOU
Patronymic:          PASCHALIS
Profession:           Associate Professor of Wood Technology (Ph.D., M.Sc., Dipl)
Home address:     Vasiardani 52, Karditsa, 43100, Greece.
Work address:      Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch,
Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design.
V. Griva 11, Karditsa 43100, Greece.
Tel :                     +30-24410-79206 (ext. 114)
                           +30-6947-300590 (mob.)
Fax :                   +30-24410-28299
Email:                 [email protected]
·         Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Wood Technology. Title: Materials and methods study of fire resistance improvement of wood adhesive products. Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2000).
·         Master of Sience (M.Sc.) in Wood Technology. Title: Evaluation of chemically treated particleboard resistance to fire. Department of Renewable and Natural Resources, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, International Center of Advanced Mediterranean Studies, Paris (1996).
·         Diploma of Post Graduated Studies (D.S.P.U.). Department of Renewable and Natural Resources, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, International Center of Advanced Mediterranean Studies, Paris (1994).
·         Diploma of Science (Diploma). Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1993).
·         Computer Certificate. Informatics and Computer Educational Center of Thessaloniki – LCPC. Thessaloniki, Greece (1992).
·         Associate Professor, Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch, Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design, Greece (02-10-2002 - present).
·         Forester, Region of Thessalia, Forest Service of Karditsa (10-01-2002 - 2-10-2002).
·         Exterior cooperator in program EPEAEK entitled ‘Establishment of the new Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design’ (1/11/2000 - 30/08/2001).
·         Educator, Cultural IEK, speciality ‘Furniture Design’ (academic year 2000-2001).
·         Laboratory Assistant, Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch, Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design, Greece. Teaching lesson: ‘Wood Technology’ (vernal semester 1999-2000).
·         Scientific Assistant, Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch, Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design, Greece. Teaching lesson: ‘Mechanical wood processing III’ (vernal semester 2000-2001, winter semester 2001-2002).
·         Scientific Assistant, Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch, Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design, Greece. Teaching lesson: ‘Mechanical wood processing II’ (winter semester 2000-2001).
·         Scientific Assistant, Technological & Educational Institute of Larisa, Karditsa Branch, Department of Wood Technology and Furniture Design, Greece. Teaching lesson: ‘Mechanical wood processing I’ (vernal semester 1999-2000, winter semester 2000-2001, vernal semester 2000-2001, winter semester 2001-2002, vernal semester 2001-2002).
·         Educator, in Program ADAPT (03-06-2000 - 07-07-2000).
·         Exterior cooperator in program EPEAEK (01-07-1997 - 20-12-97, 01-01-1998 - 05-04-1998, 01-09-1998 - 31-12-1999 and 01-04-2001 - 31-08-2001).
·         Exterior cooperator, in Center of Technology and Economy for Wood and Furniture (LIGNUM SA) (01-01-1995 - 24-12-2001). 
·         Research Assistant in the European Program “Management of forest fires’, ΜΑΙCH (July 1994 – Dec. 1994).
·       Engineered wood adhesive products.
·       Fire properties of wood.
·       Panels from waste agricultural fibres.
·       Mechanical wood processing
·       CNC machines.
·       Quality control of wood and furniture.
·            Computer: Windows, Word, Excell, Power Point, Access, Internet, Lotus 123
·            Languages: Greek, English
§       Karastergiou, S. and L. Tsironis. 1992. Production study of beech wood in the sawmills of Litohoro and BALKAN EXPORT SA. Diploma thesis, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
§       Karastergiou, S. 1996. Evaluation of chemically treated particleboard resistance to fire. M.Sc. thesis. Department of Renewable and Natural Resources, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, International Center of Advanced Mediterranean Studies, Paris.
§       Karastergiou, S. 2000. Materials and methods study of fire resistance improvement of wood adhesive products. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2000).
Mantanis G., Karastergiou S. And J. Barboutis. 2010. Finger jointing of green Black pine wood (Pinus nigra L.) European Journal of Wood & Wood Products. (in press)
Karastergiou S., Mantanis G. and K. Skoularakos (2009). Finger-jointing of green oakwood. Wood Material Science and Engineering (in press).
Vassiliou V, I. Barboutis and S. Karastergiou (2007). Effect of PVAc Bonding on Finger-Joint Strength of Steamed and Unsteamed Beech Wood (Fagus sylvatica). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 103: 1664–1669.
Karastergiou, S. and J. Philippou. 1997. Improvement of fire resistance of wood products by the use of fire retardants. Application to partcleboards. Monument and Environment (4) 1997, pp. 97-109. (in Greek)
Karastergiou, P.S. and Philippou, L.J. 2000. Thermogravimetric analysis of fire retardant treated particleboard’s. Proc. 4th International Scientific Conference ‘Wood and Fire Safety’, pp. 385-394 (ISBN 80-228-0774-5). 
Karastergiou, S., Philippou, J. and A. Georgiou. 2000. Study of ignitability of various wood products. Proc. 9th Panhellenic Society of Forestry, pp. 518-529 (ISBN 960-87 107-0-7). (In Greek) 
Philippou, L. and S. Karastergiou. 2001. Lignocellulosic materials from annual plants and agricultural residues as raw materials for composite building materials. Proc. International Conference, Forest Research: a Challenge for an Integrated European Approach, Volume II, pp. 817-821. (ISBN 960-869-47-4-4)
Mantanis, G., Ntalos, G. and S. Karastergiou. 2003. Coloured medium density fibreboard. A new value added product. Its perspectives in Greece. Proc. 11th Panhellenic Society of Forestry, 1-3 Oct. 2003, Ancient Olympia, Greece. (In Greek) 
Ntalos, G., Argyri, A., Karastergiou, S. and G. Mantanis. 2003. Levels of noise within the facilities of Greek wood mills. Proc. 11th Panhellenic Society of Forestry, 1-3 Oct. 2003, Ancient Olympia, Greece. (In Greek) 
Karastergiou, S., Barboutis, J. and V. Vassiliou. 2006. Effect of the PVA gluing on bending strength properties of finger jointed turkey oakwood (Quercus cerris L.). Holz Als Roh- und Werkstoff, Vol. 64, No. 4: 339-340.
Vassiliou, V. Karastergiou, S. and J. Barboutis. 2005. Effect of the PVAc gluing on finger-joint strength of the steamed and unsteamed beech wood (Fagus silvatica). Applied for publication in Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Papadopoulos, A., Hill, C, Gkaraveli, A., Ntalos, G., Karastergiou, S. (2004). Bamboochips, (Bambusa vulgaris) as an alternative lignocellulosic raw material for particleboard manufacture. Holz Roh Werkst (2004) 62:36-39
Karastergiou, S. and G. Ntalos. 2005. Bending Strength Properties of Scarf Jointed European Spruce Wood (Picea excelsa). International Scientific Conference ‘ Engineering Design (Interior and Furniture Design)’. Oct. 15-17, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Ntalos, G., Karvelas, A., Karastergiou, S. and I. Kakaras. 2005. The situation of design programs and CNC in furniture sector in Greece. International Scientific Conference ‘ Engineering Design (Interior and Furniture Design)’. Oct. 15-17, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Vassiliou. V., Karastergiou. S.and J. Barboutis. 2005. Bending strength properties of some finger-jointed oakwoods. International Conference ‘Hardwood Research and Utilization in Europe – New Challenges’, Univercity of Sopron, Hungary, Sept. 2005). 
Barboutis, J. Vassiliou. V. and S. Karastergiou. 2005. Effect of the finger length on bending strength of the finger jointed steamed and unsteamed beech wood. International Conference ‘Hardwood Research and Utilization in Europe – New Challenges’, Univercity of Sopron, Hungary, Sept. 2005). 
Ntalos G., Papadopoulos A., Karastergiou S., Mantanis G. and J. Kakaras (2003). Dimension stability and decay resistance against coniophora puteana of scots pine sapwood due to reaction with propionic anhydride. International conference – 75th anniversary of the Forest Research Institute of Bulgarian Academy, Sept. 9-11, 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Karastergiou, S.andG. Mantanis. 2005. Green gluing of wood - A new technology with application in finger jointed laminated wood. Applied for publication in Geotechnical Scientific Issue.
Vassiliou. V. Barboutis, J. and S. Karastergiou. 2005. Bending strength properties of finger jointed laminated wood with PVA type of glue of beech wood (Fagus silvatica). Scientific Anniversary of Aristoteles Univercity of Thessaloniki 2005.
Karastergiou, S. and J. Kakaras. 2005. Study of the bending strength of scarf jointed spruce wood (Picea excelsa) for the production of laminated lumber. Its perspectives in Greece. Proc. 12th Panhellenic Society of Forestry, Oct. 2005, Drama, Greece. (In Greek) 
Barboutis, J. Vassiliou. V. and S. Karastergiou. 2005. Bending strength properties of finger jointed laminated wood with PVA type of glue of oak wood (Quercus ilex L.). Its perspectives in Greece. Proc. 12th Panhellenic Society of Forestry, Oct. 2005, Drama, Greece. (In Greek) 
Karastergiou, S. Vassiliou V. Barboutis, J. and A. Papadopoulos. 2004. Study of the strength of small dimension finger joint steamed beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) for the production of laminated lumber. Proc. 1st Panhellenic Enviromental Conference. ISBN 960-87107-6-6, pp. 443-454, 7-9 May, Orestiada, 2004, Greece. (In Greek) 
Karastergiou, S. Kakaras, J., Rammou A, and A. Papadopoylos. 2004. Existing situation and perspectives in wood sector in the area of Trikala - Karditsa – Kalambaka. Proc. 1st Panhellenic Enviromental Conference. ISBN 960-87107-6-6, pp. 729-739, 7-9 May, Orestiada, 2004, Greece. (In Greek) 
Papadopoulos, A., Karastergiou, S. Ntalos, G., Mantanis G. and J. Kakaras. 2004. Thermal modified wood in Europe: existing situation – perspectives. Proc. 1st Panhellenic Enviromental Conference. ISBN 960-87107-6-6, pp. 418-424, 7-9 May, Orestiada, 2004, Greece. (In Greek) 
Papadopoulos, A. C.A.S. Hill and S. Karastergiou. 2004. New technologies in the sector of synthetic materials. Proc. 1st Panhellenic Enviromental Conference. ISBN 960-87107-6-6, pp. 721-725, 7-9 May, Orestiada, 2004, Greece. (In Greek) 

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