Institute Personnel > Publications > Karastergiou Sotirios
  Publications - Karastergiou Sotirios
Philippou, J.L. and S.P.Karastergiou. 2001. Lignocellulosic materials from annual plants and agricultural residues as raw materials for composite building materials. Proc. of the International Conference: FOREST RESEARCH: A challenge for an Intergrated Eu
P.S.Karastergiou and J.L.Philippou. 2000. Thermogravimetric analysis of fire retardant treated particleboards. 4th International Scientific Conference: Wood and Fire Safety. Technical University of Zvolen, May 14-19, Slovak Republic, 2000, pp. 385-394
Vassiliou, V., Barboutis, I. and S. Karastergiou. 2007. Effect of PVAc bonding on finger-joint strength of steamed and unsteamed becch wood (Fagus sylvatica). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 103, 1664-1669 (2007)
Karastergiou, S. and G. Ntalos. 2005. Bending strength properties of scarf jointed european spruce wood (Picea excelsa). International Scientific Conference 'Design (Interior and Furniture Design)'. Oct. 15-17, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005.
Mantanis, G., Karastergiou, S. and J. Barboutis. 2010. Finger jointing of green Black pine (Pinus nigra L.). Holz Als Roh- und Werkstoff. DOI 10.1007/00107-010-0435-9
Papadopoulos, A. Hill, G., Gkaraveli, A. Ntalos, G. and S. Karastergiou. 2004. Bamboochips (Bambusa vulgaris) as an alternative lignocellulosic raw material for particleboard manufacture. Holz Als Roh- und Werkstoff (2204) 62:36-39.
Karastergiou, S., Barboutis, J. and V. Vassiliou. 2006. Effect of the PVA gluing on bending strength properties of finger jointed oakwood (Quercus cerris L.). Holz Als Roh- und Werkstoff. Vol. 64, No. 4: 339-340.
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